10-24-2008, 12:16 PM
On my way to work today, traffic slowed to a crawl on the surface street that is my everyday route. It was being squeezed down from 3 westbound lanes to two because there was a police car with flashing lights blocking the leftmost lane. As I slowly passed the scene, there was broken glass, a small white car with the driver door open, and about ten yards out from the front of the car was a somewhat thrashed sport bike (Ninja? Couldn't really tell, but it was Ninja green) lying on its side in a puddle of fluid and a scattering of bike debris. Didn't see a rider around--don't know if he was still at the scene or if he'd been transported. This was almost exactly where I had a semi-close call a couple of weeks ago. WATCH OUT FOR THEM CAGERS! And hey, Hey, HEY--let's be careful out there.