View Full Version : Windshield advice needed
10-21-2008, 10:10 PM
I bought my GZ250 used and it has a tiny windshield. I am getting way too much wind over the windshield and it is pushing my helmet back hard. So I raised the windshield all the way up. Helped a bit, but not enough. Now I am also getting wind under the windshield!! big is too big? Looks to me like the larger the better but there must be a limit to that.
What is your experience? Has anyone taken off a small windshield and put on a larger one?
Santa Claus wants to know.
Chris, retired in Atlanta.
10-21-2008, 11:00 PM
Check out the Search feature up top. It will return a lot of hits for "windshield".
Here's a really good one talking about sizes and such: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1776 (
10-22-2008, 01:52 AM
Sarris and Easy Rider are two of the most knowledgeable members and they both have windshields and they both recommend "the bigger the better." I think Sarris has a 17" and Easy has a 21".
I went to the trouble of ordering one from the site Sarris recommended but effed up - I decided to order a different model. I ended up sending it back - I documented my sad tale elsewhere's on here. I think if I go again, I'm gonna buy the Easy Rider gigantic one. Right now, I'm kind of okay with the wind cause I haven't been on the highway too much. But I think it's going to be a must for touring. For the time being, I'm still focused on tightening up my backroad skills (cornering at speed, basically.) I think both Easy and Sarris have posted links and pictures of their windshields.
PS. Found this from Sarris...
Alan, here is the windshield I have on my GZ. I ordered a 17" tinted for the Savage 650. It's expensive, but a really good solid fork mounted windshield. Nothing to screw up here. ... shield.htm (
10-22-2008, 12:06 PM
Most riders want to look over the top of the windshield rather than through it - glare, scratches, dirt etc., interfere with looking through the plastic. Part of the wind in your face has to do with the angle of the shield, probably too flat or upright. It should be angled back a little to let the air flow at an angle up and over the top, deflecting it rather than pushing it out of the way. This also aids in lowering wind resistance. If the angle is right, the wind blows more over the top of your head and not into your face.
You can sit on the bike, have someone measure your eye height from the headlamp and get an idea of how tall a shield you want. 15-17" is about right depending on your height as you don't want to be looking right through the top edge as this will really screw up your forward vision.
10-22-2008, 07:49 PM
So...where are Sarris and Easy Rider?? Please check in with windshield advice.
I've always dressed with tough clothes, even in the warm weather. The motorcycle rule is "Don't dress for the ride, dress for the slide!!" So even in the summer I dressed thickly.
Now that it is getting cooler I pulled out my dress leather jacket. Too nice for riding, but I'm not going to buy a leather jacket when I already have one.
Problem has been that the sleeves are open and allow tons of cold air in all around me. Today I bought strips of velcro. Put about six inches of one kind on each sleeve. And cut two strips of the other kind into 12" strips to wrap around my sleeve.
Problem solved! I can get them good and tight and no air comes in.
By the way, Alan. I bought my GZ about 3 months ago: it is a 2000 with 350 miles on it when I bought it!! Showroom condition. Now has about 3350 so I've put about 1000 per month on it. This is my 12th bike, but it has been 25 years since my last. Hopefully I'm slower and more careful now as I know what an emergency room looks like.
Chris, retired guy in Atlanta.
mr. softie
10-22-2008, 08:38 PM
I have a large windshield on my gz. It is an old screen and not made anymore. I like to have the top of the shield about 2-3 inches below my line of sight when riding. On frosty mornings, or in the rain, or when the air is full of bugs, being able to see over the shield is necessary. If the angle is right, the windshield will actually improve gas mileage and speed. The wind blast should go over the top of your head. If the shield is too far ahead of you (not a problem on the GZ!) or standing up too straight it will induce a lot of buffeting and a wind on your back as well as a lot of resistance. I lean mine back pretty far, but not so much that it is too close to my face.
A shield is a great enhancement to a motorcycle in my opinion. My shield and my riding suit ( a Fieldsheer Highland II) enable me to ride in comfort in cold/wet weather. I am planning on riding all winter here in SE Pennsylvania. So far the coldest temp I have been in this season was 32 degrees one early morning on my way to physical therapy. I wore a t shirt and light jeans under the suit, a pair of insulated hunting boots and a pair of Columbia gauntlet style gloves without the liners. A full face helmet completed my gear. I rode 18 miles and felt toasty the whole way. I wish I had gotten a suit like this when I started riding back in 1966! ( oh yea, there were no suits like this in 1966!)
The good windshields are a bit pricey, but well worth the expense. They extend your rides and your season and make riding safer and more comfortable. Save your pennies! Same goes for the suit. I can put it on in less than a minute and take it off in 20 seconds. I saved $20 a week till I could buy it on sale. The best gear I ever bought, by far. :2tup:
10-23-2008, 12:17 AM
So...where are Sarris and Easy Rider?? Please check in with windshield advice.
Dude, you've got to learn to use the "search" feature. Sarris might repeat himself for your benefit, maybe even Easy too, but they tend to get irritated by having to endlessly recycle previously posted info. Trust me, it's worth the effort. Sarris, Jonathan, Easy, Patrick and Badbob have all posted excellent info/opinion/commentary on windshields, both pro and con. Moedad has a nice big one too, and he posted pictures of his as well.
Easy Rider
10-23-2008, 10:14 AM
Most riders want to look over the top of the windshield rather than through it - glare, scratches, dirt etc., interfere with looking through the plastic.
You can sit on the bike, have someone measure your eye height from the headlamp and get an idea of how tall a shield you want. 15-17" is about right depending on your height as you don't want to be looking right through the top edge as this will really screw up your forward vision.
Over or through is a matter of personal preference and depends to a large part, I think, on what kind of riding you do. If it is mostly day time and you keep it reasonably clean, there won't be much glare. I have found that positioning the shield so you look well over it does NOT deflect the wind high enough to clear a helmet. If you ride mostly in the daytime and helmet (or head) buffeting is the major concern, then **I THINK** you should go for something tall enough so that you can be looking through the very top. This also helps to deflect objects that are heavy enough to cut right through the deflected air stream (ROCKS).
Good to pre-measure because I think the headlight on the GZ is mounted a bit lower than most bikes. That may not be true at all; just a gut feeling I have. Mine is mounted so that I am looking through the top 2 inches in my normal relaxed (OK, slouched) position. When the need arises, I can sit up real straight and see well over it.
Easy Rider
10-23-2008, 10:23 AM
So...where are Sarris and Easy Rider?? Please check in with windshield advice.
Special offer, not to be repeated this year...............
I am now IN ATLANTA, with a good bit of free time. A windshield consultation can be arranged.
I will be sending you a PM with a phone number.
How's that for advice !! :)
Now, for the rest of the story: Several of us, me included, have already written a LOT about windshields on here and I don't intend to repeat it all YET AGAIN. You are gonna have to help yourself a bit; do a search and then ask for specifics or clarifications if needed.
PS I really like my shield but I think it is a tiny bit larger than needed. There is at least one other one posted on here that is similar but just a tad bit smaller that might be a better compromise.
10-23-2008, 11:14 AM
There is at least one other one posted on here that is similar but just a tad bit smaller that might be a better compromise.
I believe that one is Moedad's Plexistar 2. Pictures here: viewtopic.php?p=10837#p10837 (
Easy Rider
10-23-2008, 11:24 AM
There is at least one other one posted on here that is similar but just a tad bit smaller that might be a better compromise.
I believe that one is Moedad's Plexistar 2. Pictures here: viewtopic.php?p=10837#p10837 (
Yes, that would be it; thank you. It just LOOKS cleaner, like it fits better, than mine. I believe it is slightly smaller than mine but not by much. Also, my extended lowers really don't block wind from coming in below because of a bad angle.
10-23-2008, 11:53 AM
I just talked to Moe about this one. I am thinking of getting it from Acc Int'l
Easy Rider
10-23-2008, 11:59 AM
I just talked to Moe about this one. I am thinking of getting it from Acc Int'l
And you learned NOTHING from your last attempt ??? :??: :roll:
Are they not available through a dealer......who would do the install AND take responsiblility for any problems......with shipping, etc. ? :??:
I'm just sayin'............... :biggrin:
10-23-2008, 12:11 PM
I hear you. Unfortunately, hanging around with you guys has made me ponder possible advantges of being frugal (so far, it's mostly just pondering.) If I did an "exchange" with Acc. Intl. instead of the "return" maybe they don't clip me for the forty bucks "re-stocking" fee, which, is admittedly bullshit but apparently their policy.
I think Moe got his windshield on-line as well.
Re the install, seriously, if there was a convenient, well managed dealership nearby, I'd just have them put one on. But around here, the convenient dealerships are very poorly managed, employ fast-food type employees, and generally have an "I will pretend to give a shit about you and your problem if I sense an imminent sale of an actual bike for which I will earn a commission, but otherwise, I won't even pretend..." attitude. The accessories are generally a joke. You have to order boots for example, sight unseen and they are not returnable. Many of the guys in the "service" department look like they have done time and you kind of feel bad interrupting their day to ask them a question. I'm sure some of this is in my head, but I am the guy that took delivery of a bike I paid $700 over list for, which arrived with no left blinker, loose mirrors and no air in the front tire. I still haven't mustered up the gumption to take mine in for the 600 mile checkup for fear they will harvest mine for parts to fix someone else's.
Motorcycle dealerships give car dealerships a good name.
10-23-2008, 12:44 PM
I think mine would be better if it was an inch or so higher, but the way it is shaped and fits around the headlight/speedometer/blinkers/top of fork, I'm not sure how feasible it will be. If I try to angle it to get it past the bracket at the top of the forks, it pushes the blinkers forward. I can't raise it without angling it to clear the bracket. I get some buffeting on the top half of my helmet. The noise is actually more distracting than the buffeting. I'm about 5'-9 1/2" by the way, and the top of the windshield as it is currently mounted is about at my nose level. I'm looking over the top of it.
It blocks a lot of air, enough, in fact, that in stop and go traffic, my visor will fog up if the temp is below 70 because it doesn't get enough air flow. I think Easy suggested raising it higher, but then I have the problems mentioned above. So I ride with the visor open to the first click about half the time (in city traffic).
Easy Rider
10-23-2008, 03:13 PM
Motorcycle dealerships give car dealerships a good name.
Sorry. I forgot where you are located. :cry:
I have had the same problem locating competent shops around Chicago.
Keep looking and asking around. You might get lucky and find a good independent.
Most of the 600 mile is just oil change, check for loose parts, chain adjustment and back brake, that I'm sure even you can handle. :biggrin:
Then there is the valves. You REALLY should get them checked around 5K miles or so and you probably don't want to tackle that on your own.
I was (partly) just jabbing at you a little. I think that model sheild mounts MUCH easier than mine and, assuming no damage or parts missing, you should be just fine. :tup:
Easy Rider
10-23-2008, 03:22 PM
I think mine would be better if it was an inch or so higher, but the way it is shaped and fits around the headlight/speedometer/blinkers/top of fork, I'm not sure how feasible it will be.
Keep thinking about it. I think you would be MUCH happier with it higher. My complaints were exactly the same as yours and were all but eliminated by raising the shield about 2 inches and standing it up just a tiny bit more. In order to do that, I had to get longer mounting rods for the top. Also keep in mind that the bars can be rotated forward or back quite a bit, which might help with getting everything in a workable position. If you do that, it impacts your riding position and you have to rotate the controls on both sides so they are "level" again.
A little extra air coming in around the headlight/speedo shouldn't be a problem. I actually like it because it decreases the "vacuum" effect without making a direct blast of air.
10-23-2008, 03:40 PM
Easy, I'm on the verge of buying one and I'm trying to decide between yours and Moe's. You seem to be mostly happier with yours than Moe is with his. I believe yours is the Memphis shades and his is the plexistar2. Yours I think is more money, which makes me inclined to go with it. Moe's mounts to the fork and the bars, I was think fork only might be better, but, really, what the hell do I know.
Any thoughts on picking between the two? It seems universal that more people regret getting one too small than the other way around.
10-23-2008, 04:10 PM
Wow, guys: I did not expect such good advice. Let me know where to mail all of you checks.
So, about money. I don't have any. How much is one of these great windshields going to set me back? I'll tell Santa.
Just got in from an errand running ride. My velcro on my sleeves is tight and keeps wind from getting in my sleeves. Cool day today, but the velcro works great.
Also use velcro to keep my GPS unit on the gas tank. You really cannot mess with the GPS while riding, but it is good to glance down occasionally. And I can take it off with my left hand and look at the GPS. Right before I hit a truck!
Chris north of Atlanta
10-23-2008, 04:20 PM
I think you can get one anywhere from $79 to $300. The better ones tend to be between $125-$200.
Plus tax, shipping and handling.
Easy Rider
10-23-2008, 05:12 PM
Easy, I'm on the verge of buying one and I'm trying to decide between yours and Moe's. You seem to be mostly happier with yours than Moe is with his.
Maybe. Keep in mind that I "think" I like his better......based only on the one picture.....grass is greener and all that !! :roll:
I will be home next Wed. and can take some more pictures. Maybe Moe can too.
Have you compared the spec's for the two, mainly height and width??
As i mentioned earlier, height is more important and extra width really just increases the drag. Since I don't venture out on the freeways too much I don't care but since you do, you might not like the extra drag.
I'm not trying to talk you OUT of the Memphis Shades, just don't want you to blame me if it doesn't turn out good. It was rather difficult to get mounted the way I want......and required ordering the longer top rods.
I DO like it but still have a feeling that there is probably something out there that is just a LITTLE better.......a little OCD maybe. :cool:
10-23-2008, 05:38 PM
I think yours is bigger (taller and wider.) You have both already posted pictures and I've looked at them. I think the biggest drawback of yours is it looks too big for the bike, but if it works better, I think I'd be happier with it.
Busyweb had a smaller one and he seemed to like it, but most of the rest of the posters seemed to have issues with the smaller ones simply redirecting the wind to their heads. I'm 5'11'' which I thought was average height, but from the few heights I've seen listed I might be taller than average for this forum. Which also tends to favor getting the taller shield.
Easy Rider
10-24-2008, 09:48 AM
I think yours is bigger (taller and wider.)
Which also tends to favor getting the taller shield.
Yes and yes!
Taller helps; wider doesn't really. With your need for freeway riding, I fear that a shield TOO big might not serve your overall needs the best.
I haven't had a chance for much serious testing.....and probably won't now 'til spring.....but after my last (and final?) adjustment, I had a gut feeling that it limits my top end a bit, or takes longer to get there.
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