View Full Version : I'm in Atlanta, 10/20/08

Easy Rider
10-20-2008, 09:30 PM
.....for a week. Anybody want to loan me a bike ?? :biggrin:
Buy me lunch......or a beer ??
Or just shoot the bull, face to face? :cool:
Anybody goin' to the Nascar race Sunday ??

Damn, I don't login for 3 days and everybody else has been running off at the mouth !! :neener:
Will take me a bit just to catch up !! :cry:

10-21-2008, 02:51 AM
They are catching up to you Easy!

mr. softie
10-21-2008, 05:54 PM
If I was in Atlanta I would buy you a beer Easy. :2tup:

Easy Rider
10-21-2008, 07:53 PM
If I was in Atlanta I would buy you a beer Easy. :2tup:

Appreciate the offer. Maybe all the Georgia guys are scared of me; the last time I met a GZ rider in Atlanta, he dissappeared off the face of the earth......well, off this forum anyway. Guess I'll have to call him and see what happened. :??: