View Full Version : 1993 Yamaha Seca II

10-15-2008, 03:06 PM
There is a Yamaha Seca II near me for sale on ebay that I am considering buying as an upgrade from the GZ. I was curious if anyone has any experience with these bikes and could comment on them.

Here is the description:

This was a great starter bike for me. Essentially a standard with a small fairing, so you can expect relatively comfortable ergonomics (sit more upright, tubular handlebars instead of clip-ons, etc.). With an air-cooled two valve per cylinder engine and basic brakes and suspension, don't confuse this with a modern sport bike. It actually accelerates quite well from a stop though. The tires need replaced soon but it's otherwise in good condition. The engine runs strong and sounds good despite its age. The valve cover is leaking a little on one side but oil NEVER accumulates beneath the bike. There are a few minor scratches on the paint and the fairing is missing a few screws but otherwise it's in good condition from a cosmetic standpoint. The styling is still attractive despite the age of the design. I've ridden it on the interstate but wouldn't recommend that for long trips as it's a light bike and gets blown around a bit and the fairing doesn't help much. It comes with a tank bra. No modifications have been done to this bike to date, but I've read a jet kit can add quite a bit of performance. The battery is brand new. Overall, the Seca II is a good value. My riding is all off-road now, so this bike isn't getting used much anymore. Let me know if you have any questions.

Although I've also heard that the engines are very reliable and last a long time, the mileage kind of concerns me. The oil leak concerns me, as well. The auction is only at $500 right now, will a Buy It Now price of $1200. I'm going to try to go take a look at the bike in person. It could be a great deal, though. If I can sell the GZ I could have a nice upgrade AND some extra cash.

So, any opinions, experience, etc about the bike you would like to share?

Edit: Also, what are everyone's opinions on substituting a different tires size on the rear tire? I've heard that the rear tire for the Seca II can be difficult to find (hmmm... sound familiar anyone? ;)).

Easy Rider
10-15-2008, 10:48 PM
There is a Yamaha Seca II near me for sale on ebay that I am considering buying as an upgrade from the GZ. I was curious if anyone has any experience with these bikes and could comment on them.

Doesn't feel good to me.
You should at least see pictures before you go any farther.
IIRC, I personally don't like the look of that model.

10-15-2008, 11:06 PM
I agree with Easy here. It seems very iffy on the specific details of the bike.

10-16-2008, 06:01 AM
You see, I don't get that feeling at all. And the pictures on the ebay listing look VERY good.

Easy Rider
10-16-2008, 09:44 AM
You see, I don't get that feeling at all. And the pictures on the ebay listing look VERY good.

In the end, you are going to have to do what YOU think is right.
I would never entertain thoughts of actually buying anything used without actually SEEING it and at least hearing it run.
Not having the benefit of even seeing the pictures............it is hard to make an intelligent comment ! :)

10-16-2008, 11:19 AM
Oh, geez, I hope I didn't make you all think I was gonna buy it sight unseen. I had planned on taking a look at it this afternoon, but its raining, so it will have to wait until tomorrow. The bike is located in the city where I go to college.

On a side note, I'm also gonna take a look at an 85 Honda Interceptor project bike.

10-16-2008, 02:36 PM
Do a Google search, read some of the articles, comments, reviews on this bike and get a little more knowledge about it, see what you are getting into before committing to it. It may be the greatest thing for you, but a little knowledge gained beforehand never hurts, and read the article posted on here about buying a used bike. It may save you some trouble later and help in the bargaining, or after you look it over (knowing what to look for) may help you reach a decision on some level other than an emotional one.

Water Warrior 2
10-16-2008, 08:08 PM
Might be a nice upgrade in size. I would check out prices for tires, chain/sprockets, brakes, tune up etc. I have this thing about buying used if I don't know the bike/cage but that is just me. Anything you buy used will cost more to be safe and reliable after you get it home. A 4 lung 600 would certainly be a hoot to ride. Almost 50 ponies in the stable to unlease. Oh yah, try to check out parts availability for a bike of this age. You never know.

10-16-2008, 08:52 PM
Parts: Yea, that was one of the first things I checked. I perused BikeBandit.com's OEM parts and, one the microfiches that I looked at for the Seca II, they seemed to have plenty of parts. I should also be able to find tires pretty easily. The rear tire is difficult to find, but on a Seca forum I found some alternative sizes that people have had success with. I can get Kenda tires for about $70/each; not bad considering the rear tire for the GZ set me back $130.

I do need to check on the chain, though. I'm glad you mentioned that.

I'm gonna try to check the bike out tomorrow, if the guy ever calls me back. Right now the auction is at $630, so I'm hoping I can snatch it up for under a grand. That will give me plenty of breathing room for parts, repairs, etc.

BTW, here is the auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Motorcyc ... 06.c0.m245 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Motorcycles___Red-1993-Yamaha-Seca-II_W0QQitemZ120316875937QQddnZMotorcyclesQQddiZ228 3QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item120316875937&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A7|240%3A1318&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245)