View Full Version : My MODS-Seat, windshield, engine guard, cruise control, etc.
Easy Rider
10-12-2008, 11:38 AM
Here is a list of my mods and some pic's.
More details or better (hopefully) pictures on request.
Not shown: 16 tooth front sprocket. Discussed in detail in other threads.
Edit 4/3/09: I can no longer recommend the Memphis Shades, Santa Cruz because of the flimzy mounting system (grommet through holes in shield). Mine cracked when I hit a pothole. :cry:
Overview: (
Windshield: Memphis Shades, Santa Cruz.
Also another good choice: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1362&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a ( ( (
Engine Guard: MC Enterprises:
Part # 1000-25. $170. Warning: If you have BIG feet, it might interfere with shifter and rear brake! (
Seat mods: TWO gel pads from Pro Pad. Small one for everyday use ($ 72) increases my "cramp" threshold from 20 minutes to about 40. Then add the large one, about $120, (yes, both at once) for long road trips increased my tolerance to about an hour. Both together achieves roughly the same added width and flatter profile that others have achieved by re-upholstering but was more expensive than do-it-yourself. I'm guessing about the same total cost as a professional job. ( (
Cruise control: Really just defeats the throttle return spring. Large O-ring from the hardware store; cost ~ 75 cents. For highway use ONLY. Makes shifting "different"; practice off road a bit. Must STOP to dis-engage.
Cruise OFF: (
Cruise ON: (
That's about it. The sissy bar and bag supports are OEM. Bags unknown as they came with the bike.
Very cool.
The one thing i disagree with is that o-ring deal. Just seems to me thats a cause for worry because its keeping your throttle open without a 'quick release' feature. must stop to disengage .. yikes.
Then again, i dont wear a helmet so what do i know about safety lol :neener: As i ALWAYS say, do what makes you feel good. Its YOUR ride :)
10-13-2008, 11:11 AM
Do feel like that crash bar is beefy enough to make a difference if you lay it down?
Easy Rider
10-13-2008, 04:03 PM
The one thing i disagree with is that o-ring deal. Just seems to me thats a cause for worry because its keeping your throttle open without a 'quick release' feature. must stop to disengage .. yikes.
You misunderstand. Apparently I didn't explain well enough. You "disengage" it merely by closing the throttle; you completely disconnect it by rolling it back away from the crack. It doesn't "lock" the throttle but just puts enough drag on it to prevent the spring from closing it.
Easy Rider
10-13-2008, 04:09 PM
Do feel like that crash bar is beefy enough to make a difference if you lay it down?
Yes. I'm guessing that it is wide enough that there might be no damage at all from a "driveway drop"......but then I don't consider scratches as damage either! :biggrin:
From looking at the picture, what do YOU think? It is definitely more functional than the OEM one which is a joke, IMHO.
I don't like the term "lay it down" because that suggests that the rider put it down on purpose.....which THIS rider will never do. It might low-side but I don't "lay it down".
If you crash at speed, no telling how much the engine guard will help......if any.
The one thing i disagree with is that o-ring deal. Just seems to me thats a cause for worry because its keeping your throttle open without a 'quick release' feature. must stop to disengage .. yikes.
You misunderstand. Apparently I didn't explain well enough. You "disengage" it merely by closing the throttle; you completely disconnect it by rolling it back away from the crack. It doesn't "lock" the throttle but just puts enough drag on it to prevent the spring from closing it.
OC Hoosier
10-14-2008, 10:40 AM
How does that windshield work out for you? I have essentially the same design and find that it acts more as a parachute than a windshield. I have a difficult time reaching/exceeding 65mph with the shield on, but can easily hit 75 without. Definitely keeps me protected from the wind and flying objects, but at a major cost of speed with our small horsepower output.
Easy Rider
10-14-2008, 10:51 AM
How does that windshield work out for you? I have essentially the same design and find that it acts more as a parachute than a windshield.
Yes, there is a little trade-off......but not much. And you can choose, to some degree, how much drag versus how much protection you want.
For more protection, you mount it higher up and with not much angle (nearer to straight up and down) but that also gives you the max. amount of drag.
For less drag and slightly less protection (depending on how tall you are and exactly how high it is), you mount it lower and tilt the top back more.
That's how I started out with mine and performance was about the same as the small shield I took off. I have now moved it higher and put less angle on it; the protection is excellent but I can tell there is more drag.
With most of my riding being in town at less than 50 mph, I can't tell the difference there. When I hit the highway, it takes me somewhat longer to get to 65 though.
OC Hoosier
10-14-2008, 10:59 AM
Yes, it's all about the adjustments and trade-offs. BTW, I enjoyed your pics. It's nice to see the corn and beans ready for harvest in the background, ha. Are you closer to Champaign or Danville?
Easy Rider
10-14-2008, 11:07 AM
Are you closer to Champaign or Danville?
Slightly west of Champaign.
10-14-2008, 01:00 PM
It's always nice to see photos of Easy's bike. He waits so long to put some up that when he does, it's a special event.
I've seen that cruise crontrol before. Back when I had the Ninja, it was common place for people to get one big fat rubber o-ring from the Caterpillar store and use it the same way. The difference, that I can see, is that the Cat. o-ring is slightly fatter. There is a good portion of it that lips over the throttle. So, when you want to disengage it, there is enough "ring" to grab onto and slip it away from the throttle.
Check out the pic on this link.
10-14-2008, 02:43 PM
Forgot to tell you I was back in chicago last week Easy. Probably be there again in mid Nov.
Easy Rider
10-14-2008, 07:36 PM
It's always nice to see photos of Easy's bike. He waits so long to put some up that when he does, it's a special event.
Many things I do are "special events" but for a variety of different reasons! :roll:
The ring I use is easier to find but I did have to "adjust" the bar end weight so it wouldn't disappear into the crack (sounds like a personal problem!).......and it is a little tricky to get ahold of to remove it, so I only use it for road trips.
Easy Rider
10-14-2008, 07:38 PM
Forgot to tell you I was back in chicago last week Easy. Probably be there again in mid Nov.
As you may have already guessed, I won't be making a 150 mile trip in November.....not on the bike anyway! Maybe next year. I think you deserve to ride one that is properly equipped! :)
10-16-2008, 08:22 AM
If you crash at speed, no telling how much the engine guard will help......if any.That's what I was asking, if it was wide enough and
robust enough to give you any leg protection in a crash.
Easy Rider
10-16-2008, 09:40 AM
That's what I was asking, if it was wide enough and
robust enough to give you any leg protection in a crash.
IMHO, yes definitely. Plenty of room there and it is a solid piece of gear.
I'd say it would provide good protection in any "lay over" where the speed is low enough that your leg would stay under the bike.
10-23-2008, 01:36 PM
Looks great. I have the same saddle bags. I have a much smaller windshield and like the looks of yours.
Great Job Easy!
rusty rider
10-26-2008, 02:58 PM
Bike is looking good easy. How does the gel pads work for you? I remember Sarris saying it feels like he crapped his pants using them. :lol:
I think that having the windshield helped me reach and maintain speed on my gz. I got better gas mileage and was able to take longer trips with out the beating I got with out a windshield. Windshields reguardless of position will create less drag, than your body.
Easy Rider
10-27-2008, 11:10 AM
Bike is looking good easy. How does the gel pads work for you? I remember Sarris saying it feels like he crapped his pants using them. :lol:
Windshields reguardless of position will create less drag, than your body.
I don't notice any strange sensations with a single one. When I put BOTH on for a road trip, THEN it feels a little strange; not a firm plant on the seat......but something you get used to after a short while.
Your windshield comment, as worded, is debateable. A large shield, mounted straight up (no rake) can actually afford MORE drag than a riders body (depending on the size of the body!).
It's all relative!
rusty rider
10-28-2008, 08:55 PM
Your windshield comment, as worded, is debateable. A large shield, mounted straight up (no rake) can actually afford MORE drag than a riders body (depending on the size of the body!).
I stand corrected :shocked:
I should have stated that when I put a windshield on my GZ, I was able to reach higher speeds and get better gas mileage. :2tup:
10-28-2008, 09:46 PM
As a side note, I understand that gel pads come in differing densities varying from a soft dense rubber feel to a jelly feel. The ones I had felt very soft and squishy. Hence, the crapped in pants comment.
01-04-2009, 04:20 PM
Easy quote ...
"Engine Guard: MC Enterprises:
Part # 1000-25. $170. Warning: If you have BIG feet, it might interfere with shifter and rear brake!"
Hey Easy .... How big of feet are we talking about? Are you inferring that you have a problem of too big of feet? What size shoe are we looking at here?
I like this engine guard, but if it is too much of a hassle then I might pass on buying it.
Anyone else experience this problem too?
Easy Rider
01-04-2009, 04:58 PM
Hey Easy .... How big of feet are we talking about? Are you inferring that you have a problem of too big of feet? What size shoe are we looking at here?
I wear size 8. Not a problem for me at all.
My guess is something around size 11-12 might be a problem; toe might hit the bar when shifting/braking. (Would anybody with size 12 even FIT on a GZ to start with ?? :??: )
Anyhow, both shifter and brake pedal are adjustable (and even bendable if needed) so I can't see it being a big problem. I'm shopping for a new camera tomorrow. Maybe I can get some better pics in a couple of days.
My guess is something around size 11-12 might be a problem; toe might hit the bar when shifting/braking. (Would anybody with size 12 even FIT on a GZ to start with ?? )
Size 13. 320 lbs. fatty.
Easy Rider
01-04-2009, 08:52 PM
(Would anybody with size 12 even FIT on a GZ to start with ?? :??: )
Size 13. 320 lbs. fatty.
:oops: Might be a problem. Will get pictures and measurements. Might be a couple of days.
01-04-2009, 09:57 PM
Easy is correct about the MC Enterprises engine guard being a close fit for some of us. I purchased one from dennis kirk and test fit it onto the GZ. For me (size 10.5 wide and being 6'2") I was concerned about the shifter side. I sat on the bike and went through the motions of up and down shifting and on a few attempts felt the front of my boot hitting the bar. It was enough of a hit combine with the fact of being a new rider that I didnt want to take a chance so sent it back. I recall that the brake side didnt seem to be a problem it was more in the way I was moving my foot around from the top to bottom of the shifter pegs to up/down shift. It really is a nice engine guard for the money and wished it worked for me but, I purchased an OEM one which looks like it will not interfer (still havent installed it - santa was good to me this year).
01-05-2009, 10:35 AM
With regard to the engine guard getting in the way of your feet :- This is a picture of my engine guard. There's no way your feet'll get caught in that. It saved the bike from serious damage when it ran forward off the stand, on a hill (don't trust 1st gear 100% as a parking brake!) Unfortunately I don't know the make, as I just went into the bike shop & asked the guy to get me one & fit it. There's no logo on it & I never bothered to ask him what make it was. (
Water Warrior 2
01-05-2009, 07:10 PM
With regard to the engine guard getting in the way of your feet :- This is a picture of my engine guard. There's no way your feet'll get caught in that. It saved the bike from serious damage when it ran forward off the stand, on a hill (don't trust 1st gear 100% as a parking brake!) Unfortunately I don't know the make, as I just went into the bike shop & asked the guy to get me one & fit it. There's no logo on it & I never bothered to ask him what make it was. (
Interesting bars. How wide are they ? Can you post a pic with a head-on view please ?
01-07-2009, 09:38 AM
Hi Water Warrior,
Here's a few pictures from the front. I've measured the bars, & they're 23½" wide. ( ( (
Water Warrior 2
01-07-2009, 06:07 PM
Good pics. Thanks. Those bars are far better than Suzuki's ornamental stuff.
Good pics. Thanks. Those bars are far better than Suzuki's ornamental stuff.
Yeah I like em a lot I wish he knew what brand they were I want some.
Easy Rider
01-08-2009, 12:15 PM
Easy quote ...
"Engine Guard: MC Enterprises:
Part # 1000-25. $170. Warning: If you have BIG feet, it might interfere with shifter and rear brake!"
Hey Easy .... How big of feet are we talking about? Are you inferring that you have a problem of too big of feet?
I should know better than say things from memory......that I haven't really paid close attention to. :cry:
Pictures attached. On closer examination, I do not believe the brake pedal would be a problem at all, with a little adjustment. The shifter probably would need some adjustment too but even then my guess is that moving your foot from UNDER to ABOVE might be difficult as your toe would likely hit the bar when moved to the outside. You could overcome this a bit by bending the shifter bar.
Measure your boot from the front of the heel (instep) to the end of the toe; if that is more than 10 inches, it's a no-go even with adjustment, as far as I can tell. ( (
Even with a new camera, it's really hard to get pictures that do the situation justice. :cry:
01-10-2009, 09:26 AM
Good job on the photos Easy. Do you have one that is taken straight on, aimed to show the front tire straight and how the brake pedal and shifter are situated next to the engine guard? If not, don't worry about it. Thanks for your efforts. :2tup:
Easy Rider
01-10-2009, 09:45 AM
Do you have one that is taken straight on, aimed to show the front tire straight
That's easy enough. Might be a couple of days.
Easy Rider
01-12-2009, 10:37 AM
Do you have one that is taken straight on, aimed to show the front tire straight and how the brake pedal and shifter are situated next to the engine guard?
Here is the latest attempt: ( (
01-12-2009, 10:54 AM
Thanks for that last photo. I now feel comfortable in buying the MC engine guard.
That guard sure looks solid.
Easy Rider
01-12-2009, 12:20 PM
That guard sure looks solid.
Indeed. I have not "tested" it yet; hope I don't get to.
One caution: When I started to put it on, my first attempt to line up all the holes led me to believe that there is no way this is going to fit........but just a minute of jiggling it around a bit and it popped right into place.
I don't think you will be disappointed. :tup:
01-18-2009, 09:48 AM
Hey dan_,
I've done some investigating & I've found out that the engine guards are "SPAAN"
Unfortunately this is a Spanish company. operating out of Madrid. The good news is that I've just received their catalogue, & it's packed with goodies not just for the gz, but for any bike you can imagine. If you really liked any of the products, I'm sure they'd quote you a delivery charge before you bought.
If you want the catalogue (it's brilliant reading matter) go to "Spaan", then click on "Accesorios Spaan para motos custom". google will do a translation of the site for you, then you can fill in your details & get the brochure by mail.
Hope you send for it & enjoy it,
01-18-2009, 09:54 AM
I've just noticed in the catalogue that they do an American licence plate frame, so it would appear that they do deal in America. Perhaps your local friendly motorcycle dealer may be able to help out after you've got the catalogue!
Thanks dude, yeah I think i'm gunna get em.
Easy Rider
04-03-2009, 09:01 PM
Update 4/3/09.
I can no longer recommend the Memphis Shades, Santa Cruz windshield.
The mounting holes/grommets never did seem quite right to me.
I hit a sizeable pothole and the shield flexed so much that it cracked in two places; LONG cracks.
04-10-2009, 10:22 PM
UGH! Bummer Easy, what are you thinking of replacing it with? National Cycle's Plexistar 2 might be a good choice as a replacement. They don't drill holes in that windshield.
Easy Rider
04-11-2009, 11:04 AM
UGH! Bummer Easy, what are you thinking of replacing it with? National Cycle's Plexistar 2 might be a good choice as a replacement. They don't drill holes in that windshield.
Damn. Lost my notes. I was looking at that one and one from Slipstreamer but got a replacement shield for half the price of a new one so I will be keeping the same one and "adjusting" the mounts a bit so, hopefully, it is less likely to happen again.
From looking at the pictures, I think the Plexistar 2 has been re-designed a bit and they have a new model now that is closer to the old one.
04-21-2009, 09:08 AM
I just got a new in box Factory engine guard for $43 shipped off of EBay. It's not bad, a bit small, and definitely NOT worth the $140+ MSRP. I couldn't pass it up at the price.
Easy Rider
04-21-2009, 10:54 AM
I just got a new in box Factory engine guard for $43 shipped off of EBay. It's not bad, a bit small, and definitely NOT worth the $140+ MSRP. I couldn't pass it up at the price.
I had one......for one day. Held it up to the bike and sent it back.
Once you get it on, if you gently tip the bike over on the side, is the engine guard REALLY the first thing that contacts the ground......other than the pegs, of course ??
It looked to me like it might not be.
04-21-2009, 07:12 PM
I just got a new in box Factory engine guard for $43 shipped off of EBay. It's not bad, a bit small, and definitely NOT worth the $140+ MSRP. I couldn't pass it up at the price.
I had one......for one day. Held it up to the bike and sent it back.
Once you get it on, if you gently tip the bike over on the side, is the engine guard REALLY the first thing that contacts the ground......other than the pegs, of course ??
It looked to me like it might not be.
I'm headed out to the garage to kick the bike over to test it, I'll let you know how it turns out.
On second thought, nah it doesnt look like it'll protect too much
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