View Full Version : Lube those cables!

10-06-2008, 05:31 PM
So it turns out after some invasive troubleshooting and Easy Riders help that my starter plunger cable and throttle cables needed to be lubed.

After removing the cables lubing the heck out of them and re installing alot of things worked out.

1.) No more high idle at the turn of the throttle at first ride of the day!....(out here on vancouver island its pretty chilly and wet at night so maybe that was the catalyst now that its turning to fall season)
2.) After "choke/enricher was disengaged (pushed up) there is no more stalling to return to normal Idle RPMS
3.)the throttle is ultra responsive.. like butter.

Thanks again

Easy Rider
10-06-2008, 07:51 PM
cables needed to be lubed.

Well, y'a know, maybe I should give mine a little squirt too, eh? :roll:
I did my clutch cable and noticed an AMAZING change; smooth as silk......then I ran out of lube!!

The clutch cable is REALLY easy. Turn back the rubber boot, turn the adjustment wheel until the slot is UP and drop in a few drops of lube. Work it a few times and then a few more drops.
I like PTFE (Teflon) lube. Only kind I could find easily was Slick-50 (and NO, that is NOT the oil additive; it's in a spray can.)

Doesn't sound like you did but this might be a good place to mention that, as a general rule, one should NOT try to lube parts in or on the carb. Clean only.

Glad you are on the road again !!