View Full Version : Forgot to mention, had my first "panic" stop this morning

10-06-2008, 05:25 PM
Couldn't've been much of a panic if I forgot to post it earlier, eh? It wasn't, really. It didn't even raise my heart rate. Not because I'm so calm and collected, but because it wasn't a big deal. Nobody was going very fast, maybe 30 mph (morning traffic). I was in the right lane (out of three going in that direction) and an SUV pulled out of a strip mall driveway and caused a car to hit his brakes several cars ahead me, which rippled back up the lane very quickly. I applied both brakes and even had a yard or two of a rear wheel skid before stopping. Swerving went through my mind but a mirror check a minute or so before the stop showed a big truck in the middle lane and I remembered it as I braked. Sure enough, right as I stopped, the truck went by on my left.

Just goes to show, even when you think you're far enough beck, sometimes it's still not far enough.

10-06-2008, 05:29 PM
ugh!!! anytime i hear brakes my stomach hurts. good for you that you managed.