View Full Version : Intake (K&N)
01-16-2007, 07:07 PM
Looking at pictures, it appears that the GS500 K&N will fit the GZ. Anyone looked at this closer than me?
03-30-2007, 03:41 AM
A lot of people here say they use a K&N.
Im not so sure anymore. Nobody seems to be able to tell me which one, and what adaptor they used on the carb ... hmm.. :cuss:
07-13-2007, 09:49 AM
I was hoping someone would have posted this information already. When I have time, probably August I plan to remove my air box and use a K&N style gauze filter. If I have any success I'll be sure to take pictures and write up a "How To"
07-13-2007, 10:35 AM
Im really surprised too.
I think its a 32 or 34mm outlet from the carb. Someone has to know what to do here.
My mechanic already laughed and said no prob, but Im trying to get somebodys expert oppinion.
Easy Rider
07-13-2007, 01:10 PM
Im really surprised too.
I think its a 32 or 34mm outlet from the carb. Someone has to know what to do here.
My mechanic already laughed and said no prob, but Im trying to get somebodys expert oppinion.
I think I'm an expert. Does that count? :roll:
Let's think about this logically for a minute.
If the inlet to the carb is 34mm, the inlet to the filter is about the same size so theoretically there is not restriction there. The surface area of the filter is HUGE compared to the 34mm inlet so there shouldn't be any significant restriction there either. So, where is the restriction?
If (too lazy to take the cover off and measure right now) the inlet to the filter is smaller than the carb throat (input) then I think the easiest, cheapest and safest thing to do would be to carve out that inlet hole to make it bigger.
Like removing the air box inlet diverter, there would be a SMALL chance of sucking some water if you get caught in a VERY heavy rain.
BTW, I have run with and without the inlet diverter several times and can't see any real difference. I have left it off though because I am otherwise stock except for the 16T sprocket and need every ounce I can get at the top end............even if it is only imaginary!! :cool:
07-13-2007, 01:32 PM
yea it's simple to do, just the hard part is figuring out what will and will not fit.
07-13-2007, 04:27 PM
Easy Rider,
not to take away from your answer there, but yes this is known. Yes, you do for sure risk getting some water inthere in heavy rain, but it is manageable.
In any case. Which K&n WILL fit directly onto the carb, without the airbox or tube?
Thats the real question.
07-13-2007, 04:39 PM
Just looking at it you would need some sort of... I dunno ~30 degree elbow on hte carb or the frame/seat would get in the way of a directly attached filter.
07-13-2007, 04:48 PM
I dont think so. I removed the airbox, and there is so much space for a straight cylinder ...
Either that or a pancake type filter.
Just need the right hose, size filter to get the carb plenty of fresh air, and part numbers.
I have been trying on thsi one for a while to get an answer.
I hope someone with some knowledge has a great answer.
Id love to hear it.
Easy Rider
07-13-2007, 06:09 PM
Easy Rider,
In any case. Which K&n WILL fit directly onto the carb, without the airbox or tube?
Thats the real question.
I think the real answer is: There isn't one. :cry:
And if the stock setup (maybe slightly modified) doesn't restrict the air flow any, why are you so stuck on K&N? That's what I was really getting at with my previous post, while trying not to be too blunt. :cool:
07-13-2007, 06:23 PM
Im sure that there is a way to connect a universal cone or cyl. type K&N filter directly to the carb.
Im sure there is a universal that will fit it.
Did I say Im sure of it?
Honestly, because of the horrid weather, and now a starter problem, I have been too lazy to take the bike in,
but even the dealership says they can put a K&N on any bike. Im just hoping someone here will have more knowledge and write somethign up about it.
Easy Rider
07-13-2007, 06:38 PM
Did I say Im sure of it?
Jordan, my man, you're a real piece of work. O_o
Just EXACTLY what makes you sooooo sure?
Aren't you the same guy who was soooo sure he could get a "kit" to mod the engine up to 350 cc ? :??:
I love your enthusiasm, really. It just needs to be directed a little better. :roll:
07-13-2007, 07:18 PM
Ey, dummy.
Yes, the kit works. It is a drop in big bore kit.
Erm .. and K&N makes univeral filters that clamp down on the carb throat.
Just currious to know which is best.
Piece of work? Yer a piece of ass. :tdown:
Instead of trying to sort it, you are just flapping fingers. There is a way to do anything.
Dropping a K&N filter in is hardly a custom shop job. ... Sigh ... :roll:
07-13-2007, 11:45 PM
You want a pod that has the exact same dimensions as that in the RU-1822 kit. The only difference is that you want a single pod. You can do a search on the K&N website by dimension. Get the numbers from RU-1822 and do a search for something just like it.
07-14-2007, 01:22 AM
Now that is a smart reply.
Easy Rider
07-14-2007, 10:15 AM
There is a way to do anything.
Dropping a K&N filter in is hardly a custom shop job. ... Sigh ... :roll:
Well then just DO IT and stop this "Mommy, mommy help me!" routine.
Sigh yourself! :tongue:
07-14-2007, 11:58 AM
Uh yea, .. ok guy.
I thought this board was for answers, questions, and help .. not for trolls.
I was just hoping someone had an exact answer as to the best filter for the carb.
So far Johnathan180 has it right for that carb, and on the ninja that setup works perfectly. For the way the frame is set up on the GZ however, Im not sure that a pod of this shape and dimention would be best.
Ignoring "Easy Riders" comments, Im wondering if anyone has set up their bike with a K&N?
Thanks gentleman ... and ... (cough) ladies..
07-14-2007, 09:00 PM
The filter that I mentioned fits under the gas tank. It is an oval pod with the inlet-tube offset from center. This places the majority of the filter below the inlet on the carb and low enough to fit under the tank. I would run out and buy one and take you a picture, but I just spent a good bit on cash on parts for my '76 MG Midget.
If this pod doesn't work, I'll send you half of the price. Honest 'injun.
07-14-2007, 11:34 PM
Since this filter comes in a set of 2, why dont we split the cost, and the filters up as well :cool:
07-16-2007, 09:50 PM
I'll take that. You wanna buy 'em and I'll paypal you? It might be the end of the week though. I have to buy some formula for the wee-man.
07-16-2007, 09:51 PM
I'll take that. You wanna buy 'em and I'll paypal you? It might be the end of the week though. I have to buy some formula for the wee-man.
07-16-2007, 10:08 PM
If you don't trust me, you can also try RU-1820. I just found this one. It's the single version of RU-1822.
08-05-2007, 06:35 PM
The RU-1780 ( would fit too and it's bigger! You'll need to carburate the bike.
I'm looking for one of those for the jet project, now that I've received the stuff.
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