View Full Version : Starter Plunger Cable Problems
09-26-2008, 12:43 PM
Hey All,
I was curious if anyone has had a problem with the starter plunger system. My problem is when i first start the bike up and turn the choke on i let it run for about 2-3 mins before bringing it down to a lower setting, however instead of getting lower rpms it seems to stay as if the plunger (connected to the spring that goes into the Carburator) is sticking or doesn't want to come back and allow my bike to sit calmly in neutral.
It seems to work itself out after a short ride, but of course fixing the problem is better than letting it go.It also rises when i pull the clutch lever in past the point of gear change-over.
My only thought is after 34000 kilometres maybe the cable is seized? or sumthing along those lines.
Thanks for the input guys
music man
09-26-2008, 12:54 PM
You ought to try to lube your choke cable, see if that loosens it up.
09-26-2008, 01:48 PM
You need to know that actually the "Choke" is an "Enrichener Circuit" in the carb. First I agree with MM and suggest that you lube the cable. Then I'd put some carb cleaner in the gas tank, as you may have a partially plugged or gummed up carb passage.
Let us know how you make out.
Easy Rider
09-26-2008, 07:51 PM
You need to know that actually the "Choke" is an "Enrichener Circuit" in the carb. First I agree with MM and suggest that you lube the cable. Then I'd put some carb cleaner in the gas tank, as you may have a partially plugged or gummed up carb passage.
Yes and yes AND spray some carb. cleaner on/around the enricher mechanism a time or two. Your initial thought that it is sticking might be the whole problem.
09-27-2008, 04:22 PM
Easy Rider, I took your advice, put carb cleaner in the tank, checked the starter plunger it is working as far as i can see.
However I am still getting this weird problem when i pull the clutch in past the point of where you would up/downshift, it gets up high in RPM's until i turn the idle screw Super low and back up again to the original and even then it isnt what it should be.
Though i put the carburator back on I'm reluctant to waste more time opening up the float chamber when I take it off again.
Easy Rider
09-27-2008, 07:36 PM
However I am still getting this weird problem when i pull the clutch in past the point of where you would up/downshift, it gets up high in RPM's until i turn the idle screw Super low and back up again to the original and even then it isnt what it should be.
This is what happens when you talk about too many symptoms at the same time. I don't think THAT problem has anything to do with the choke.......but it still could. What I said was to get some SPRAY cleaner and spray the "choke" linkages, in and around the carb.
NOW it appears to me that your throttle mechanism is sticking somewhere. Could be the wheel, rod or throttle plate of the carb itself OR (more likely) the throttle cables or the twist grip. This can happen if there is not enough slack in the cable adjustments OR the cables are pinched or kinked somewhere OR they just need some lube OR the return spring is broken or badly stretched or missing.
To pin this down better: If the bike is just sitting at idle and you pull in the clutch, without touching the throttle, does the RPM go wild ?? I'm betting not and that it only happens when it WAS under throttle and you release the throttle to shift. If that is the case, you should be able to force it to slow down by twisting the throttle closed. If that doesn't work, the return cable may be broken and sticking.
09-28-2008, 04:32 PM
Yeah sorry Easy,
Hard as a beginner to narrow it down. Ill try and be more specific..
I have a hunch that it is the return cable as it has no problem opening to enrich the mix. but doesnt seem to close fully when i return it.
Ill take it off lube it up and see how it works, and if not, i guess ill replace the cable and hope for the best.
Thanks for the input ER.
Happy Ridin'
09-29-2008, 03:21 AM
So i lubed the heck out of the cables, and Easy you were right. must have seized up being out in the rain etc.
No high idle. back to normal. thanks again
Easy Rider
09-29-2008, 05:23 PM
No high idle. back to normal. thanks again
Great! :2tup:
The old, blind sow finds an acorn now and then! :biggrin:
Glad I could be of help.
10-05-2008, 10:38 PM
Well Easy...
the Cables were lubed the best I could... seemed to be a temporary problem. But unfortunately I am gonna have to look further into the matter with my neighborhood mechanic if tommorrow doesn't turn out successful on my own again.
The ONE thing i cant understand is... when i pull the clutch lever in 75-100% it actually excites the engine. If i use the Idle adjustment screw i can calm the beast down..
If I have that clutch in on Neutral and turn the throttle abit its like i have the starter plunger lever down all the way and Wide Open at the Carburator.. until i twist the idle adjustment way down.
Is this a Flooding issue??
thanks for the help fellas
Easy Rider
10-06-2008, 03:30 PM
If I have that clutch in on Neutral and turn the throttle abit its like i have the starter plunger lever down all the way and Wide Open at the Carburator.. until i twist the idle adjustment way down.
This is really not that complicated a mechanism....the throttle, that is.
Like I was trying to tell you before, you should NOT be screwing with the idle adjustment screw; doing so is just complicating matters.
If everything is working right, the throttle return spring should close the throttle against the adjustment stop whenever you release the throttle. Even if that doesn't happen, you should be able to twist the throtte in the closed direction and MAKE it slow down. If that doesn't happen, then you have a problem with the throttle cables, spring or sticking parts on the carb.
In any case, nothing you do with the clutch lever should have any effect on the idle speed.......unless you are mechanically moving the choke lever or cable at the same time.
And yes, I agree with you that you need some experienced help. Either you don't fully understand what is going on or you are just having trouble explaining it. Either way, I don't think forum messages are going to help much.
10-06-2008, 05:26 PM
Easy i figured it all out. The throttle cables needed a heavy lubing.
My neglect sprung other problems and are now fixed.
maybe its time i referred to the manuals maintenance chart a little more often.....
Thanks again
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