View Full Version : Help with factory sissy bar and rack

09-18-2008, 10:29 PM

I purchased what appears to be a new factory sissy bar and rack off ebay. The catch is that there are no factory packaging and no instructions. Didnt think that would be a big deal until I tried to fit the rear pad on which doesnt seem to want to sit flat and also looking at the hardware bag looks like a lot of extra stuff for just the sissy bar. The dealer may have just thrown together some hardware but, says thats the way they come and he had no instructions (I knew that going into the deal).

Does anyone have an electronic version of the instructions for the suzuki factory sissy bar they can post or send me? Nothing is on the suzuki site. And did a search on here where there is lots of info on sissy bars but no instructions that I could find.



Easy Rider
09-18-2008, 10:32 PM

Where in Illinois? I might be able to get you a paper copy.
I think I saved mine.

09-18-2008, 10:45 PM
Easy Rider,

I am in the chicago burbs. Do you recall having to attach the pad onto the bar itself? Thats where I cant seem to get the pad to lay flat on the metal plate on the bar. Tried different washers etc but then it seems to sit too far off the bar.


Easy Rider
09-19-2008, 08:49 PM
I am in the chicago burbs.
Thats where I cant seem to get the pad to lay flat on the metal plate on the bar.

Probably because you are missing the 4 spacers, called "collars" in the parts list.
I'd think that washers would be an appropriate substitute.

I do remember something not quite fitting right when I put mine on; maybe I didn't use the "collars". ??

Too far away for a personal delivery and I don't have a scanner handy. Fax could be arranged; it's only 2 pages and pretty cheesy. Doesn't even give the length of the replacement bolts.

09-21-2008, 09:27 AM
I've bought two of these. One had a hardware kit one did not. Neither had and sort of instructions or parts list. If I could get my hands on one of these I would scan it and post it.