View Full Version : help!

09-18-2008, 03:41 PM
Hi all- new to this forum, but really glad I found it!

I just started riding last October and have had my little GZ250 since May.

I can't seem to get the seat off though when I put the key in...what's the trick??

Also maybe some of you more technical people can answer me this: when I first got the bike it always had to have the choke on when riding... and when it turned off the exhaust would make a loud popping noise. I got the carb cleaned and now it only needs the choke at first when it's been sitting for a bit (I don't ride it everyday)... but sometimes it still makes the popping noise when I turn it off. Is this bad? Is there some more work I should get done on it? It's been sitting a lot in it's lifetime...when I got it it only had about 2000 miles.

Any advice would be appreciated...especially about getting the seat off!! I turn the key and all but can't get the darn thing off!!

09-18-2008, 04:43 PM
That popping sound when the bike turns off either carbon build-up "pinging" as it cools, or you're carb is just a little bit out of adjustment and some unburned gas vapors are saying their last "fair-well" before heading off into oblivion. All bikes are not equal and it's possible that the factory setting on the carb is just not ideal for your location. As long as the bike runs fine through the gears and doesn't hesitate or stutter or anything, it should be fine. Carb adjustments aren't something for the novice to undertake. Run some carb cleaner through the gas tank every couple of months and ride a little more often. It should clean things up.

To get the seat off, put in the and turn. While the key is turned, lift up on the seat. It doesn't jump out or anything. You have to actually give it a lift. Once it's off, lube the lock mechanism with some graphite or penetrating oil.

Easy Rider
09-18-2008, 07:47 PM
To get the seat off, put in the and turn. While the key is turned, lift up on the seat. It doesn't jump out or anything. You have to actually give it a lift. Once it's off, lube the lock mechanism with some graphite or penetrating oil.


(Pull up on the BACK of the drivers seat.)

If you put the tool pouch and a few rags in the right place and that big foam block is still in place under the center of the seat, you can arrange it so that it pops up a bit when you turn the key.

09-18-2008, 08:57 PM
I had trouble replacing my seat the first few times. The thing is not 100% symmetrical and the rear seam isn't evenly aligned with the sheet metal back there. There's a plastic(?) lip of sorts on the front that I have learned to focus my efforts on. If you look at the underside, then line up the plastic tongue/lip/whatever underneath with the metal catch on the bike, AND ignore the alignment of the back, the seat will drop back in. Maybe this isn't a problem on all GZ's, but it took me about 4 or 5 go rounds until I could put it back on the first try. Got kind of frustrated with it initially.

Also, make sure you don't turn they key to remove it from the seat release after you've replaced the seat or you will have to repeat the above process. (Yes, I'm a bit of a dumbass.)

10-04-2008, 04:40 PM
thanks for the tips! for some reason i wasn't notified of your responses and thought i was just getting no answers :(

i figured out the seat thing....i wasn't turning the key hard enough!! dummy. i saw something about it in another post and rushed out and got it right away. man did i feel dumb.

For the carb cleaner stuff, should i get the "seafoam" stuff i've seen people posting about? it definitely only pops when i've had to use the choke to start it up i notice... sometimes it's not even a full pop just a little puffing noise. it's fine when riding, no problems there.

well now i'm having new troubles getting the darn thing to start...i just posted in this same forum if you're willing to help! thanks!

Easy Rider
10-04-2008, 06:05 PM
thanks for the tips! for some reason i wasn't notified of your responses and thought i was just getting no answers :(

For the carb cleaner stuff, should i get the "seafoam" stuff i've seen people posting about?

I don't think this forum software will email notify you of replies. If it does, maybe you didn't mark the right box or made a typo in your email addy.......or it just isn't working. Best to come back occasionally and LOOK! Might even find something else interesting to read !! :)

Seafoam is OK for routine maintenance. A little wouldn't hurt. Maybe you are choking it too much ??

10-05-2008, 02:30 AM
You can be notified of replies. I think its in your profile settings. It will send you an email.

Run some seafoam through it. Make sure you dont use too much!!! Its a bike not a car :)