View Full Version : K&N filter....worth it?

09-16-2008, 12:23 PM
Are K&N filters really worth it? After reading lots of comments and reviews it seems to boil down to this: Yes they increase performance and mileage just a hair but at the cost of particle filtration protection. (Air and oil) Opinions?

music man
09-16-2008, 12:44 PM
I have used K&N air filters in several vehicles, and they are great, more power, increased mileage, and the greatest of all, you never have to replace it, also I think that they filter out just as much if not more than a paper filter because of the oil filtration process. That being said, I don't know if any of those things are true as far as the GZ goes, not only that, you may have to re-jet your carb if you use it, but if you don't than even if you don't increase anything at all performance wise, you still have an air filter that you NEVER have to replace for about 15-20 bucks more than a stock throw away air filter for your bike would cost.


Easy Rider
09-16-2008, 11:29 PM
Are K&N filters really worth it? After reading lots of comments and reviews it seems to boil down to this: Yes they increase performance and mileage just a hair but at the cost of particle filtration protection. (Air and oil) Opinions?

NO. More air in doesn't necessarily make more performance OR better mileage.
It might mean exactly the opposite, depending on how the engine is tuned and what kind of filter you are replacing.

This is especially true for the GZ.

But you don't have to take my word for it; try it out for yourself.....for free.
Just remove your stock air filter (on a day that is not dusty and windy) and take it for a ride around the block. This will roughly simulate the low restriction of the K&N filter.
DO NOT do this test in traffic, however, 'cause the GZ runs like crap without a little intake restriction and you might get run OVER. !!! :cry:

09-16-2008, 11:31 PM
K&Ns work great for sports cars. They don't work for GZs.

09-17-2008, 04:45 PM
I put K&N filters in all of my cars.

Installing a K&N in a bike without fuel injection requires re-jetting the carb. It will reduce low end power, increase fuel consumption and increase top end power.