View Full Version : So I attempted to install my Saddlebag Supports.....

Magnar Infectus
09-15-2008, 08:52 AM
... this weekend and failed miserably.

Either the bolts were tightened by the Hulk or I'm doing something horribly wrong.

I'll start at the begining:
I got the supports from the Dealer. Brand new still in the packaging. Two supports, four bolts, four plastic washers.
I came on here checked the how-tos in a couple threads, and headed out to the garage.

According to the directions I needed a 12mm on the nut and a 13mm on the bolt under the fender (I may have that backwards. the directions, tools etc are at home). I didn't have a wrench I could fit under the fender, so I used a ratchet (set so it wouldn't turn) and held taht with one hand. Then I took another ratchet on the nut on the outside.
Using the old "lefty loosy, righty tighty" I determined I needed to crank it counter-clockwise.

I attempted to turn it, but it wouldn't budge. I tried a couple more times with no luck. I tried a couple of the other bolts with the same results. So then I thought it may just be a matter of leverage. and grabbed a longer ratchet (I have 5 or 6), and had a go at it. No luck.

Now I was upset and decided to go cool off. Putting my tools away I noticed I had cranked so hard that the socket had started to split! Now these aren't high quality tools but I've used them for years doing all kinds of stuff including replacing alternators, batteries, starters, 2 bumpers, building furniture, working on lawnmowers, etc.

This morning before I left I tried again using the same technique ,but with a socket on my variable speed 12v cordless screwgun. No dice. It won't budge.

What the frak? Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance

PS. I did try at one point to turn it the other way (clockwise) just in case I was having a brainfart. Same issue. No budge.

09-15-2008, 09:10 AM
You cracked a socket on the semi-"decorative" capnuts? Holy crap man.

Maybe someone has some red Loctite or something on them.

Magnar Infectus
09-15-2008, 09:30 AM
You cracked a socket on the semi-"decorative" capnuts? Holy crap man.

Yeah. That's exactly why I said when I did it. Now I'm no hulking brute (6' 150lbs) but I'm decently strong. I've used the crap outa these sockets, and never cracked one... before now.

Unless someone has some amazing advice I'l probably take it back to the dealer and have them do it. That way if they strip the nut they get to fix/replace it.

09-15-2008, 11:28 AM
Huh. Mine came off with no trouble (except for the awkwardness of reacing the bolthead inside). Yes, 12mm outside, 13mm inside.

09-15-2008, 03:30 PM
Do you have a breaker bar? That should solve your problems.

I hate to mention this, but are you absolutely sure that you're turning these things the right way? I had no trouble with the tightness of the bolts, just the awkward hand position.

Magnar Infectus
09-15-2008, 04:07 PM
I have a breaker bar, but it's only about a 12"er. I tried that also. I think that's the one I was using when I broke the socket.

as for wrong direction... I thought and thought about that when I was trying (and failing) to get the nut off. I'm 100% certain I was turning it counter clockwise.

Dupo and I were chatting a bit earlier (sorry about the phone, Dupo. It was my gf and she outranks you :tongue: ) He thinks it may be rust. There's a tinsy bit of rust around the base of the nut. Not sure if that's it, but it's possible.
As I told him, unless someone has some other good ideas I may just make the dealer do it. She's only 3 or so months old, and under full warranty. If the bolts/nuts have to be broken /cut off or whatever I'd rather them have to do it.

09-15-2008, 04:13 PM
Get a can of "Marvel Mystery Oil" (not a joke) and soak the the intersection of the nut and the bracket for about an hour. Most times that will allow you to break it loose. Also, tap the nut with a hammer a couple of times while soaking. I've used this on numerous occasions with 98% success.

If that doesn't work, you can heat the nut up with a propane torch and then it definately should come off.

Good luck.


Magnar Infectus
09-15-2008, 04:56 PM
I'll try those... well all but the propane torch one. I have a "propane torch", but it would be hard to lift Baby that far off the ground, and I don't think she's like getting hamburger grease all over her rear end. ;)

Marvel Mystery Oil can be picked up at an auto parts store?

Thanks for the tips.

Easy Rider
09-15-2008, 05:12 PM
Marvel Mystery Oil can be picked up at an auto parts store?

Yes. Any penetrating oil will do.

I agree with everybody else about getting the bolts loose; I didn't have any trouble. It was getting them sufficiently tight again that I worried about. Getting the rear tire OFF the ground should help with access......and you may need the extra space if you ever get them loose.

Counter-clockwise is correct......as viewed from the end that you are trying to turn.

From what you have said, however, I think you should maybe let the dealer take at least one of them loose.....while you are watching from a distance. Somethin' ain't right.

Magnar Infectus
09-15-2008, 07:06 PM
So I left work and stopped by Congress Auto Parts. They had Marvel Mystery Oil in quart and gallon sizes. I got a quart. I also picked up a replacement 12mm socket.
As I was riding home I was planning on starting the soak and then going to the grocery store, and trying it after I got home. However when I backed into the garage I decided to give it one more try.
An low and behold they came right off. No soak, no hammer, no torch. I'm all WFT!? I'm 100% sure I was cranking counter clockwise on those nuts before, and I had my hands in the same positions this time. I'm going to chalk it up to sunspots. Maybe the heat of the bike expanded them enough to loosen them?(that's what we do in IT, at least in South East FL.)

In hindsight it's possible (maybe a 10% chance) that I cracked that socket years ago and just forgot. That would explain a lot. Possibly more than sunspots.

Anyways, the saddle bag supports are on. Now I just have to wait for the saddlebags to come off backorder.

Thanks for all your suggestions, and support. You all get +1.

Oh and as a side note...
Even if you wait the extremely long time of 2 minutes, the exhaust is still friggin hot. I didn't get burned, but there were several "Ow!" moments where I bumped it. So take care and don't decide to grab ahold of it or anything silly.