View Full Version : 71mpg, 75mph in Atlanta
09-10-2008, 11:36 AM
I'm an old biker with a new purchase of a GZ250. Great bike.
I am getting 71mpg and it will go 75mph. I'm hearing figures far less than this, but these are real numbers. I GPS'ed my odometer and it is dead on.
Are you getting these numbers?
I havent gone through a full tank yet.
I followed my buddy when he took mine to the DOT for my test. He had it up to almost 70. Not sure if that was maxed or not....
Easy Rider
09-10-2008, 12:14 PM
Are you getting these numbers?
Yes, close. I get about 65 in town and got 73 on the highway on a trip to.......Atlanta!
My top is about 70 mph 'cause I have a taller 16T front sprocket.
09-10-2008, 12:47 PM
I usually get between 68 and 72 mpg w/ a max top speed of about 70 mph. I have the 16 tooth front sprocket as well.
I get around 65 mpg on mine. Top speed so far about 78 mph (I'm 5'6", 140 lb), on flat highway
09-10-2008, 01:52 PM
So far mine seems to top out at about 64-65. It's all effed up, vibrating and shaky at that speed anyway, so I guess I have mixed feelings about it ever going faster. My Speedo, like all the others I imagine, has sort of a cavalier attitude towards the number markings so maybe I'm not reading it right. I don't have a gps thigamabob.
Re gas mileage, I have no idea. Still haven't figured out how to consistently fill the tank.
PS I have no windshield and I sit straight up on it like I'm the King of Suzukiland. I think the wind is a big factor at that speed.
Re gas mileage, I have no idea. Still haven't figured out how to consistently fill the tank.
That'll be my prob too. I dont remember where I stopped when I filled it up last time.....
09-10-2008, 05:03 PM
Up here in Canada we speak in kilometers per hour. Our gallon is 4.5 liters vs yours @ 3.8 liters
I have reached 130 km/hr serveral times and 125 km/hr several times but on any given day I can reach 120 km/hr
I have achieved 95 mi/gal on long trips ( 400 km round trip avg speed 80 - 105 km/hr ( 50-65 mph)
I have 17000 km on the clock.
09-10-2008, 06:12 PM
71.2 MPG and 60 MPH, I am 193 lbs
90% of my riding is done on the 101 and 134 freeways
50 miles a day 5days a week
09-10-2008, 06:33 PM
Hey, we're starting to build a serious CA contingent. Maybe we will party in Las Vegas after all. (Moe, you gotta sign up the Lakewood Ladies...)
09-10-2008, 07:42 PM
I was maxing out at around 65. I adjusted the throttle cable to remove most of the slop and now it can hit 75 mph pretty regular. A tail wind helps.
09-10-2008, 08:13 PM
Is it easy for a not-extremely-mechanical newb to tell if he has "slop" in his throttle cable? I'm maxing at 65 as well (or less if there is wind or a grade.)
Do most of you speedsters find you have to downshift to fourth on a 10-12% grade or risk dropping below 40? Seems if I drop down, rev it way up, and then pop back to fifth, I can hold it there, but I haven't done a long enough climb to confirm that.
09-10-2008, 09:42 PM
Do most of you speedsters find you have to downshift to fourth on a 10-12% grade or risk dropping below 40? Seems if I drop down, rev it way up, and then pop back to fifth, I can hold it there, but I haven't done a long enough climb to confirm that.
That's normal. In fact, any uphill grade is tough to maintain in 5th gear unless your going over 50 MPH, and even then you will likely slowly lose speed on the way up. Since I choose fairly uncrowded roads on my way to class I generally just downshift into 4th and cruise around 40 MPH on hills.
Easy Rider
09-10-2008, 10:35 PM
Is it easy for a not-extremely-mechanical newb to tell if he has "slop" in his throttle cable? I'm maxing at 65 as well (or less if there is wind or a grade.)
Probably not. You need to feel the twist grip for movement that does nothing for the engine speed.....then you need to LOOK at the cables where they attach to the carb to see if it looks like there is any excess slack there.
If your bike keeps pulling more the more you twist the grip, up to a point where you can twist it a little more and nothing extra is forthcoming or it actually bogs a bit, then your throttle is probably opening as far as it can and adjustment of the cables won't help anything.
I think your problem is the wind resistance of your massive, manly chest. :biggrin:
Easy Rider
09-10-2008, 10:37 PM
Do most of you speedsters find you have to downshift to fourth on a 10-12% grade or risk dropping below 40?
That's normal.
Yep. :plus1:
09-10-2008, 11:50 PM
Mine is driven in, just at 3,000 miles, this summer it gave me 74 mpg and max. 75 mph (the needle was a little over, but I wouldn't want to call it 76). No wind shield - flat on the tank. Then, the road went back up.
09-11-2008, 02:15 AM
I think your problem is the wind resistance of your massive, manly chest.
Yeah, that's what I figured.
Seriously, sometimes I think the brakes are dragging, but I have an overactive imagination. There's a noticeable immediate slowdown when I let off the throttle and it doesn't seem like it is all engine braking. But it's probably my riding position and lack of windshield.
I get that too. I end up slowing stopping quite short at signs/lights.
I think I'm gonna coast further than I ever do.
Easy Rider
09-11-2008, 09:59 AM
Seriously, sometimes I think the brakes are dragging,
I was going to mention that but then forgot. You SHOULD check them, serioiusly. Before I changed my front sprocket, I was disappointed that the GZ felt like it had almost NO engine braking. Everything is relative, though, and I was coming off an I-4 that had TONS of comperssion braking.
The effect you guys are feeling could also be an indication that your idle speed is a bit too low.
Check the brakes by riding around for a few minutes in an area where you don't need to use either brake (much). Then stop and carefully FEEL the front rotor and rear drum. If either is more than just barely warm, get them checked out.
Overheating brakes can fail suddenly; not good!
will do. Thanks for the tip!!!
rusty rider
09-11-2008, 09:57 PM
On my GZ I have hit 75+ a couple of times.
MPG around town 55 to 60 mpg, on my trip I averaged between 67 to 72 mpg.
My speed and gas mileage increased when I installed a windshield, and properly adjusted it.
09-12-2008, 12:03 AM
Easy Rider explained it very well. All cables stretch, and should be checked from time to time. You should be able to squeeze a few more mph out but remember there is only so much a 250 can give.
09-12-2008, 11:32 AM
Hey Chris I am happy getting 90+ mpg up here in TORONTO CANADA because gas prices just went upto $1.36 / litre ( $6.12 / gal ).
the car has to sit unless cold or rain say otherwise.
Easy Rider
09-12-2008, 12:09 PM
Hey Chris I am happy getting 90+ mpg up here in TORONTO CANADA because gas prices just went upto $1.36 / litre ( $6.12 / gal ).
No fair making a comparison using Imperial Gallons !!
How do you arrive at $6.12 ?
I thought the US gallon was smaller.......???
Hey Chris I am happy getting 90+ mpg up here in TORONTO CANADA because gas prices just went upto $1.36 / litre
How does the price of fuel change the mpg???
09-12-2008, 01:46 PM
I hit 81 or so on the interstate yesterday.
I'm serious. Ever since I dropped my bike it's been running better than ever. It wasn't a touch of 80 either. It was sustained. I even had to get in the fast lane.
rusty rider
09-12-2008, 02:08 PM
[quote][/quI hit 81 or so on the interstate yesterday.
I'm serious. Ever since I dropped my bike it's been running better than ever. It wasn't a touch of 80 either. It was sustained. I even had to get in the fast lane.
I hit 81 or so on the interstate yesterday.
I'm serious. Ever since I dropped my bike it's been running better than ever. It wasn't a touch of 80 either. It was sustained. I even had to get in the fast lane.ote]
Damn, if I knew that would work, I would have taken my bike out and knocked it over a few times, insteaad of trading up. :neener: :lol: :lol:
09-12-2008, 04:01 PM
I lost control of my front wheel in some gravel trying to avoid a psycho dog and ever since, I've been in smooth riding-even toned exhaust noted-a little extra speed in each gear-heaven.
Thanks, F$!*$(^$ dog
09-12-2008, 06:32 PM
Man, I must have the worst gas mileage of any GZ 250 owner. I get 48-54 MPG! I can get the bike up to 75 mph in the right conditions though.
I wish I knew why my mileage is so much lower than everyone else's. Maybe I get into higher RPMs too much but I'm not riding like a racer or anything (like that would be possible on this bike).
09-12-2008, 06:33 PM
I felt maybe the first signs of my Suzy breaking out today... there seemed to be a little extra punch up in the higher end of 5th (like neck snapping punch.) Usually, it's a grind to get from 50 to 60, but I goosed it today when I got to the straightaway, and jerked back in the seat. However, later on, when I tried to see if I could get it over 60, I ran out of road. I think the wind kind of reaches a state of equilibrium with my body that can't be overcome. But if she continues to show some spunk in that 45-60 range (which is all in 5th) that will be a welcome improvement.
I haven't dropped mine yet, but I've been assured it's inevitable. Can't hardly wait for it now. Might rain today... sweet!
Easy Rider
09-12-2008, 07:05 PM
Maybe I get into higher RPMs too much .......
Yes, probably true. Do you ride mostly where you don't often get into 5th gear?
Other than that, you might have a gas leak somewhere.......or a dirty air filter.
09-12-2008, 08:20 PM
I felt maybe the first signs of my Suzy breaking out today... there seemed to be a little extra punch up in the higher end of 5th (like neck snapping punch.)
You know, I noticed a similar "punch" one day while cruising the backroads in 4th (4th seems to be the perfect gear for twisties). I usually shift into 5th around 40 (helps with the MPG, you know), but this day I was in the high 40s... I decided to gun it on a straight stretch and was REALLY surprised when the bike came alive at 50+ MPH in 4th gear. I'll have to try a short interstate run once I get one of my rear spokes replaced and see just how easily it accelerates through 60 MPH.
09-15-2008, 08:20 AM
The top of 4th gear really has some grunt. Too bad it's lost once you hit 5th.
09-15-2008, 03:20 PM
Speed Racers,
Just for fun I put in the 92 octane stuff on the last fillup. There were so many other factors at work on my last ride that I really wasn't able to come to any scientific conclusions.
Anybody have opinions (I'm sure you do, and you've probably already posted them) on the effect of more of of those CH3(CH2)6CH3 critters swimming through the carb and explodin' and stuff? (Sorry about the subscripts to you chemists..)
09-15-2008, 03:27 PM
Octane is basically a spark limiter and is only needed in engines with high compression ratios.
Our bike doesn't need it. Technically, it should produce lower horsepower and mileage numbers.
09-15-2008, 03:46 PM
Thanks IQ. Everytime I see your avatar my trigger finger gets a little twitchy.
mr. softie
09-15-2008, 04:06 PM
I rarely get less than 75 mpg. Usually 75-80 mpg. Best was 85+mpg on a tank. If you can get fuel that doesn't have a bunch of ethanol or any of the other chems they dispose of in our gasoline ie MTBE etc. the mileage will be better. Reg gas works best for me. Top speed on my GZ was 84 mph past a speed check radar unit (86 on speedometer). I can sustain 75 on Interstates if no head wind. Takes a while to get to that speed to be sure. I am using the 15 tooth but would like to try the 16 tooth.
mr. softie
09-15-2008, 04:13 PM
And maybe a nitrous unit! :ride: :crash: :chop: :banana: :banana: :banana:
09-15-2008, 04:17 PM
Make sure you got your old football cup on, 'cause when that cylinder head grenades, it's gonna negatively affect your manhood.
:haha: :haha: :haha:
Easy Rider
09-15-2008, 04:59 PM
on the effect of more of of those CH3(CH2)6CH3 critters swimming through the carb and explodin' and stuff? (Sorry about the subscripts to you chemists..)
Technically there are slightly fewer of THOSE critters because some of them have been replaced by molecules specifically designed NOT to explode.
Besides that, and being a waste of money, I also heard somebody say last week that there are SO few people buying premium these days (even some who actually should) that the fuel in THAT underground tank may actually be quite old.
But then, it's kind of like pollution and climate change. Despite what 99% of the most respected scientists in the whole world tell you about not needing higher octane, you may well come back in a week or so and tell us how absolutely GREAT your bike runs with high octane fuel. :skull:
Please do let us know. We all have been waiting for some actual usage data from somebody we can trust. :roll:
09-15-2008, 10:52 PM
My GZ averages 68.4 MPG in the city and 76.9 MPG on HWY. I drive almost 100 miles to and from work (weather permitting). From a full tank I can go 266.3 miles Before using my reserve. I can get 83MPH with a good tail wind, 78 MPG on flat ground. With the price of gas now $4.14 here I'm lovin it. :2tup:
09-16-2008, 01:19 AM
Please do let us know. We all have been waiting for some actual usage data from somebody we can trust.
Assume that was (well-deserved) sarcasm. As I mentioned, I broke the first rule of troubleshooting, changing more than one factor.
1) My riding skills and confidence are a lot higher now that I'm approaching the 1K mark.
2) I've adopted a "wind" crouch (chin on speedo, knees and elbows tucked around the tank.
3) Bike may be getting "broken in."
One thing I have noticed is the bike runs faster after it is really warmed up. Not just a few minutes, but after about 20 minutes of steady riding at speed. I didn't notice anything worth reporting and I'm inclined to believe the comments that is doesn't make a difference. Last time I had to use it was in a Datsun 310 that pinged going up hills.
09-16-2008, 08:15 AM
From a full tank I can go 266.3 miles Before using my reserve. :2tup:
Are you absolutely certain about that? I don't think anyone has posted total miles-per-tank that high before.
My bike has averaged 67mpg over it's entire life and I've never broken 205 miles on a tank, with reserve.
09-16-2008, 09:37 AM
Man, I must have the worst gas mileage of any GZ 250 owner. I get 48-54 MPG! I can get the bike up to 75 mph in the right conditions though.
I wish I knew why my mileage is so much lower than everyone else's. Maybe I get into higher RPMs too much but I'm not riding like a racer or anything (like that would be possible on this bike).
Samato I'm right there with you. 52 to 56 is my normal MPG. I have gotten 68 or so but I did it by riding on a long trip and cruising at 45 mph or so. However I do tend to "jack rabbit" a bit more on this bike than I do a bigger bike. A tune up has helped and allowed me to hit closer to 60MPG on average. But I get no where near what other riders are getting on this board.
music man
09-16-2008, 10:52 AM
I was getting right at 70 miles per gallon, until just about every freakin gas station around here started adding all this ethanol to their gas, now I am lucky if i get 55-60 mpg.
mr. softie
09-16-2008, 01:30 PM
I try to keep a very light hand while accelerating to speed. I have had tanks of 50 mpg when goosing it a lot. I have to use every hyper-mileing trick I know to get the 75mpg. Not as much fun till I gas up...last fill up was at 210 miles, 2.8 gal, $9.40 in all. Woulda been $14 or so had I been riding it hard. ( but where else can you have so much fun for $5).
Actually gas is probably the least expensive thing you will add to your bike.
Easy Rider
09-16-2008, 10:19 PM
Assume that was (well-deserved) sarcasm.
What....sarcasm.....from ME ?? :biggrin:
Could be, maybe! :neener:
09-17-2008, 12:00 AM
Anybody else find that winding it out a bit in third and fourth seems to help it go faster in 5th? I know this sounds illogical (maybe it's just psychological,) but whe experimenting to figure out why mine wouldn't go fast, I seemed to have better luck when I pushed the RPM's of 3rd and 4th past the recommended shifting points in the MOM.
This was not as big an effect of putting my chin on the speedometer though. That really helps the most. I'm gonna be curious to see if the windshield allows me to go faster upright, slows me down, or has no impact.
09-17-2008, 12:53 AM
This was not as big an effect of putting my chin on the speedometer though.
Tuck in with your feet on the passenger pegs and it'll improve that much more.
Easy Rider
09-17-2008, 10:26 AM
Anybody else find that winding it out a bit in third and fourth seems to help it go faster in 5th?
It's not illogical at all. Ever watch a drag race ?? :roll:
Hint: They red-line in every gear.
Second hint: This is especially important when you have an adverse condition, like going uphill or into the wind. I can get 55 in 4th pretty easy, now that I'm thoroughly broken in. Not sure if that is doable with stock gearing but 50 shouldn't be a problem, I think.
And +2 on what Patrick said. If you've never done it, I think you'll be amazed at the difference.
Magnar Infectus
09-17-2008, 02:13 PM
Easy's right. redline = go faster. Just don't over do it or you'll need a motor.
I can do 50mph in 4th gear, no problem, and that's at 1/2 throttle (still breaking her in).
I haven't put my feet on the back pegs yet, but I often find my chin on the speedo. That by itself makes a big difference in acceleration.
09-17-2008, 03:40 PM
With the 16T, 65mph is a speed you can reach in 4th gear.
I had some pull left at around 8100 rpm the other day, in 4th, and that was getting close to 70mph.
rusty rider
09-18-2008, 12:00 PM
I have tucked behind the windshield when going uphill on a steady grade to maintain speed. Luckily once you put on your windshield you won't have to tuck so far.
The rear pegs on the GZ help you get more aero, but aren't in the right location for me. When trying to use rear pegs I usually cramp with-in the first 5 minutes of trying to ride that way.
This is my opinion only, but I would not prefer to wind out a four cycle engine through the gears on a regular basis. The GZ isn't pressurized (sic) it has a slinger and I would imagine that you would get unneccisary wear and tear on piston rings, and cylinder walls. When I took my trip to Southern Indiana I ran into several long steep grades, if I couldn't get a good run at them I would be slowing to 45-50 mph by the time I reached the top. I on occasion would drop to 4th gear and my engine would scream, but pull me back to speed. That is about the only time I pulled red-line rpm's on my GZ.
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