View Full Version : Seafoam?? Is it any good??

08-27-2008, 06:20 PM
Has anyone used the fuel additive seafoam?? I have heard that is very good but have not used it. Any input would be helpful, Thanks Mary :)

music man
08-27-2008, 06:35 PM
You will get varying opinions on this one, but in my opinion it works great. I had a guy that worked for either Kohler engine or Briggs and Stratton (can't remember which) that said that he had seen the inside of carbs and engines (before and after) that had the stuff (seafoam) ran through them and they were super clean. You can take that however you want, for all I know whichever engine company he works for makes the stuff, but he swore by it, and I have used it and it seems to work well.


08-27-2008, 06:43 PM
Thanks for the reply. I will give it a try. Cant hurt??

music man
08-27-2008, 06:47 PM
Just be careful how much you use, as a can of it is made for a car sized gas tank.


Easy Rider
08-27-2008, 08:12 PM
Has anyone used the fuel additive seafoam?? I have heard that is very good but have not used it. Any input would be helpful, Thanks Mary :)

Depends why you are interested in it.

It does a reasonable job removing LIGHT deposits in a carb and lub'ing injectors. That's about it.
You don't need ANY fuel additive for everyday use; might do more harm than good.

If you have a bike with a serious amount of crud in the carb, it is not the best product to use.

And never, NEVER put any additive into the oil of a motorcycle. Good way to kill the clutch.

So, why DID you ask??

Water Warrior 2
08-28-2008, 03:40 AM
Seafoam is highly recommended by many forums as a good way to clean up carbs and injectors on all sorts of machines. Buy the normal size container(for cages)put some in the bike and the rest in the cage.

09-18-2008, 06:59 PM
You do have to be careful, i have heard horror stories about older vehicles using it, and had some personal experience. When they have been around the block a while they have lots of crap in the engine, and over time that crap becomes an integral part in holding things together and sealing other things that have since worn out their normal usefulness. i ran it through my Equinox about 3 months after we got it and it ran better than when we got it, so i decided to try it on my 97 cavalier that has 200k miles, now i have an oil leak somewhere. Now i don't know if the two are connected, but it is awful fishy timing for the leak.

The really cool part about it is that you get to create a huge cloud of smoke from your tailpipe. Whether it is good for the environment or humans for that matter, well i don't know that, but it is neat. And if you have a downward facing tailpipe, you can see the results of your work as a nice black soot stain on the driveway :)

09-18-2008, 07:28 PM
I've always used it with great success. :)

09-18-2008, 11:17 PM
I use seafoam all the time on my vehicles with good results. If the carbs are really bad then all the seafoam will do is dissolve the loose junk and loosen the junk caked on the sides of the carbs and possibly clog/reclog a jet or passageway. You can combat this with multiple tanks containing seafoam. Just remember no chemical can replace a good tear down and thorough cleaning of the carbs.

On a side note I have also used Lucas fuel injector cleaner with upper cylinder lubrication, I am just as pleased with it as seafoam.