View Full Version : Idle Mixture Screw

12-20-2006, 06:43 PM
So, I've turned my carb so I can see underneath it and I'm looking for a brass plug but I see two brass things...

The lowermost one looks like a flathead brass screw kind of inset in the carb.

The other one is a slightly larger brass cap with a small circular indent in the middle of the cap.

Which one is the idle mixture screw/cap? I'm thinking the second one is the cap I need to remove but I just want to be sure so I don't drill through something that's actually important. Thanks.

12-20-2006, 11:33 PM
The mixture screw is behind the brass plug that is smooth. Its not the one that would have a flathead inset. They plugged it so you dont F with it, so that would be the harder one to get out :)

I dremeled mine off ... didnt want to drill into the screw.

12-21-2006, 08:40 AM
Thanks, I think the previous owner may have already removed the cap and the brass flathead screw was the actual idle mixture screw. Now onto the needle shim mod...

12-22-2006, 03:07 PM
There are instructions in the service manual about how to remove plug. Just though I'd toss that in for future reference.

12-27-2007, 11:58 AM
Here is a link to a discussion about carburetor tuning.

http://www.factorypro.com/tech_tuning_p ... gines.html (http://www.factorypro.com/tech_tuning_procedures/tuning_carbtune,CV,high_rpm_engines.html)