View Full Version : Never Turn On Leaves

12-16-2006, 07:59 PM
I fell today going very slow. I decided to make a last minute course correction at the end of my driveway. The front tire caught the edge of some leaves and I hit the ground so fast I didn't have time to react.

No injuries at all.

The crash bars took the hit and kept the bike off my ankle. Thats what a bought them for. More battle scars on the bike. :)

12-17-2006, 11:32 AM
Sorry about your bike, but glad to hear you are alright.

12-17-2006, 02:41 PM
I got a worse beating from working on it for several hours yesterday. I stretched some things that were not used to being stretched.

The bike is fine you would have to be on the ground to see the scratches. Besides, now it matches the other side. :) Actually its pretty skinned up underneath from 12,000 miles of riding. At the rate I going I may be the first one to ever wear one of these bikes out.

12-18-2006, 11:17 AM
Glad to hear that you are alright and the bike only had minor scratches. As much as Fall leaves are pretty if I was to ride in the mountains in the Fall I would want the roads to be clear. Just way to slippery! Beware of Pine needles too!


03-20-2007, 07:06 AM
I found out the same thing can happen on "flood" pea gravel. you know, the gravel that washes out from yards, ditches, driveways after a down pour. I was turning around in a cul-de-sac, was paying attention to a dog running at me, didnt see the pea gravel and boom, layed it down. Nothing happened but felt foolish and a scratch on my new windshield. Dont know how it got there, the windshield didnt touch the road. going 2 mph and I layed it down, how embarrasing, even if no one saw it, stupid dog :blush:

03-20-2007, 04:51 PM
Oh no! Not that pretty blue one.

Getting distracted can get you killed. Been there.

We don't have much problem with dogs here. Strict leash las. Someone told me that they fine the owner if they catch their dog running loose and every time they catch them loose the fine doubles.

Check the end of the bars and levers. I would not be surprised if you have scratches there. The bars hit and turn the front wheel toward the fall. My wife has some nasty scratches on her windshield from a fall on flat ground. I scrapped the edges of my old Suzuki windshield on a curb in a similar fall.

03-21-2007, 07:04 AM
bars and levers are ok, just a couple of small surface scratches which will wax/buff out. I got lucky, I basically just layed it down, I was going slower than walking speed, dang dogs, next time I will kick the dog and not worry about hitting it with the bike. I ride in the country side and most counties up here in Indiana do not or do not enforce leash laws outside of city limits.