View Full Version : Float Chamber Height Adjustment?-power loss symptoms

08-20-2008, 11:04 PM
The bike is a 03 model....
New Spark
Recent Valve Adjustment (RAN GREAT for 2 weeks)
Fresh oil, new air filter etc
33500 kms

now it rides terribly.

No power in any gear...seems to be wanting more gas??

Doesnt rev or accelerate like it should.... but it seems to idle much better than before the valve adjustment was done. Actually when that was done it had more power than i can remember... than after 2 weeks... going up hill 4th and 5th gear had troubles maintaining speeds.

any ideas?

08-20-2008, 11:28 PM
Clean the carb and use fresh gas?

Do you have a fuel filter? Maybe it's time to get one.

08-21-2008, 08:36 AM
Depending on the grade of the hills, your power loss scenario is common to all of us, even with perfect running bikes. The GZ doesn't have the grunt to do much hill climbing.

Have you actually removed the carb for these cleanings or are you just pouring in carb cleaner?
The pour-in stuff is certainly helpful, but you never know what is being missed unless you manually clean the thing.

I've never physically looked at the float slides. So I can't really help you with that one.

You don't have to post the same question twice. We'll get to it.
People are more receptive when you introduce yourself and become part of the "club" first.

08-21-2008, 02:08 PM
sorry bout that guys!

Didnt mean to double post....

Patrick i do have a fuel filter installed... gas seems to flow when i prime the bike.

Starts ok....idles fine.... low speed crawl is fine....
But when i turn the throttle.. Minimal power through acceleration.

SeaFoam and 94 octane are in the tank....the gas sample was clean when i opened the gas screw near the bottom of the carburator.

AirFuel screw is set to 2 1/2 turns.

Ill post some pictures of the side view of the Float Assembly etc...

The manual says to set it to 13 mm with Vanier Calipers .... can a regular pair of pliers equally get the job done with a little finesse?? or should the right tool be used for this finite adjustment?

Its been too long since the blue dragons been out on the highway... at least I'm learning how to take apart and re-install the carb in under 5 mins! Woo Hoo!

Thanks again all!

08-21-2008, 03:09 PM
Once you get familiar with the carb, it's not as intimidating as most people think. Nice work there.

In your experience pulling the carbs, have you ever adjusted the jet needle? If you're starting and idling fine, I'd assume it to a problem with mid - high range gas flow.

Also, I don't think you mentioned it, pull your air filter and make sure you didn't suck up a leaf or something.

Easy Rider
08-21-2008, 03:27 PM
Patrick i do have a fuel filter installed... gas seems to flow when i prime the bike.

SeaFoam and 94 octane are in the tank....the gas sample was clean when i opened the gas screw near the bottom of the carburator.

Sounds like you're being served well already so I won't say much, except..........

What does it mean: "gas seems to flow when I prime the bike" ? Have you tried RUNNING it on PRIme ??

Despite all the marketing hype and glowing testimonials, Seafoam is NOT a really good carb cleaner. It just isn't.
How much Seafoam did you put in? Too much cleaner or other additives can cause more trouble than they cure.

If all else fails, I'd flush out ALL the gas (tank and bowls) put back 1/2 tank of 87 octane gas and twice the recommended rate of Original Gumout or Berryman's B12. Run it long enough to get it warm. Let it sit overnight and pray.

And, finally, even though it LOOKS like fuel is flowing OK through the filter, change it anyway.
If you suspect rust in the tank, you might need to remove/disassemble the petcock to check for blockage there.

Good luck.

Easy Rider
08-21-2008, 03:29 PM
Also, I don't think you mentioned it, pull your air filter and make sure you didn't suck up a leaf or something.

A mouse nest in the muffler can do that too !! :)

08-21-2008, 03:43 PM
No kidding? Car or bike?

Easy Rider
08-21-2008, 03:56 PM
No kidding? Car or bike?

Bike. In storage for a long time though.

I have had a mouse nest on TOP of the engine in my pickup.....that sits out in the shed most of the winter.
When I smelled something burning, I figure I was just a minute or two away from a real fire.

08-21-2008, 04:24 PM
I let the MG sit for about 6 months, covered, while I had other pressing matters to attend to.

One day, while mowing the lawn, I noticed some chunks of foam on the ground under the car. I raised the hood and found, to my dismay, a nice comfy rat nest in the battery tie down space. It was a complex network of storage and living space. The front of the engine bay was used as the restroom. The bedding was arranged in the battery tie-down space and the right and left side of the bedding area was loaded with 5-10lbs of dog food. I was wondering why I had to buy dog food so often.

Flippin' rats.

music man
08-21-2008, 04:27 PM
Dirt Dobbers like to build their dirt fortresses in mufflers also, will stop a muffler completely up. It is hard to say what the problem is with your bike Canuck, there could be a few reasons for what you are experiencing. Loss of compression, Too much or too little gas, exhaust could be stopped up (though not completely or you would know it).


08-22-2008, 01:33 PM
Well after thorough analysis... im wondering if i put a little to much Seafoam in the tank?

Gonna empty ...fill up on 89-92 octane without the sea foam...adjust my float heights to 13mm and see what happens.. if not i got a carb coming from arthur illinois. Luckily it was the only carb on ebay from a gz250 with 7500 kms on it...

WISH ME LUCK on plan A and B... haha....

ughhhhhh: :cuss:

08-22-2008, 03:20 PM
good luck

09-23-2008, 12:29 PM
Well after all the attempts to fix this problem, my best solution was to order a used carb from illinois.
Once that baby was in, the blue dragon fired up without hesitation and rode like a new bike.

Thanks for the troubleshooting help anyways guys