08-16-2008, 03:23 PM
I made a big mistake thinking I had an oil leak or that it was just being used up since I could never see the oil mark on the bike. Over the 4 months that I had the bike, I added more oil and it seemed to alleviate the knocking and chugging - about 1 quart per month. This past week, the bike got worse and adding more oil only made worse to the point where it sputtered between 20 & 40 miles per hour and then calmed down at higher speeds. Then it sputtered more and more and then it began stalling. When I would have the engine in idle (at any idle rate), the engine would rev on it's own and go down and up and down without me ever touching the throttle.
Last night I changed the oil - THANK GOD! because I found there was no leak and there was over a gallon of oil in there! I changed the spark plug and put the carb cleaner in a full tank of gas. I was told by a friend who used to repair and build bikes that I should do this and rev the engine to clean out any gunk in the carb. I was also told not to buy BP gasoline any more because it's notorious for gunking up the carbs.
So after that, the bike seemed to be okay. I took what was going to be a short ride of about 6 miles. The bike began to sputter again and have moments where it would race ahead like I had open throttled to go much faster. (First time my bike ever seemed to have any serious pickup!) Then it stalled and died at the next intersection. I had to walk it to the gas station and call to get help. The battery was dead. We jumped the bike and put the idle up so that it would not stall after the 2nd jump. Then it stalled the second I pulled the clutch in to shift into first. Then I jumped it while in first gear with me on the bike and the clutch in. I was able to ride it home but it was scarey with the idle up and breaking at stop lights & signs.
This morning, I found that the new spark plug looks fried.
I'm thinking I probably need a new carb ($$$) and another new spark plug ($).
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Last night I changed the oil - THANK GOD! because I found there was no leak and there was over a gallon of oil in there! I changed the spark plug and put the carb cleaner in a full tank of gas. I was told by a friend who used to repair and build bikes that I should do this and rev the engine to clean out any gunk in the carb. I was also told not to buy BP gasoline any more because it's notorious for gunking up the carbs.
So after that, the bike seemed to be okay. I took what was going to be a short ride of about 6 miles. The bike began to sputter again and have moments where it would race ahead like I had open throttled to go much faster. (First time my bike ever seemed to have any serious pickup!) Then it stalled and died at the next intersection. I had to walk it to the gas station and call to get help. The battery was dead. We jumped the bike and put the idle up so that it would not stall after the 2nd jump. Then it stalled the second I pulled the clutch in to shift into first. Then I jumped it while in first gear with me on the bike and the clutch in. I was able to ride it home but it was scarey with the idle up and breaking at stop lights & signs.
This morning, I found that the new spark plug looks fried.
I'm thinking I probably need a new carb ($$$) and another new spark plug ($).
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?