View Full Version : Almost taken out by a pair of LEO's

08-04-2008, 09:07 PM
Riding today, going of all places to the hospital to pick up some MRI's, I had a close encounter with two patrol cars that honestly made me pretty angry. As I was pulling up to a T-intersection, I heard a police siren blip really quickly. It didn't stay on for more than maybe a second, it was just one quick blip and then it cut off. It was so fast I really couldn't place where it had come from, but I thought it came from my right. Now, to the right of the stopsign I was approaching is a line of trees that completely blocks my point of view, and keeps anyone turning towards me from seeing me until they are right on the turn. Already knowing how dumb the cops around here are (no offense to LEO's, but the ones around here REALLY aren't of a high quality), I hugged the right-most edge of the road and prepared to stop prematurely.

That's when they came tearing around the corner. Two patrol cars, neither one with lights/sirens going. Both of them cut the corner and were completely in my lane for a good 15 or so yards. I was already far enough over that I wasnt in any danger, but the mere fact that these "public protectors" were driving in that way simply makes me mad. What wouldn't happened if there was some other biker there instead of me, and they had gotten clobbered by these LEO's? What was really funny was that there was a van behind me through all of this, who had honked at me when I started slowing down so much. When the cops went through, she pulled up beside me and apologized :cool:

Keep your eyes and ears sharp out there people, and cover those levers!
Ride safe

08-04-2008, 09:35 PM
Smart move...but lucky. Did you see if the cops even noticed you there? It's not like they would have cared, but it could have been a bad situation.

Good for the lady behind you for apologizing. That's admirable.

08-04-2008, 09:46 PM
I don't think the first cop saw me at all, but I know for a fact the second one did 'cause I saw that look of panic on her face when she saw me. Also, I'd like to point out that I was wearing earplugs (I always wear earplugs while riding). I know some people claim that earplugs limit your hearing too much, but I for one, speaking from personal experience, disagree. The fact that I even heard the brief sound of the siren is pretty evident of still being able to hear perfectly fine with the earplugs in.
Ride safe

08-05-2008, 12:23 PM
NEVER ride in the vicinity of a Krispy Kream or a dunken donut shop... your just asking for trouble

08-05-2008, 01:39 PM
NEVER ride in the viinity of a Krispy Kream or a dunken donut shop... your just asking for trouble

I know really, I'll avoid those like the plague :tongue: I guess I should be thankful we don't have either of those in Suffolk anymore.....or if we do I just don't know where they are.
Ride safe