View Full Version : Oil in the air filter box.

08-03-2008, 06:28 AM
I Just bought my '03 used. I am the third owner.

I am more mechanically inclined than the previous owner so I have been playing catch-up on maintenance. I cleaned the air filter with some air and then drained the water drain for the air filter box. Water didn't drain out oil did. I then looked and saw that I am at the low mark on the sight glass. 200 miles ago it was at the full mark. The previous owner is a coworker, and he said" he never had any problem with oil loss." I do tend to believe him.

Could my air filter be so clogged that the engine intake is pulling suction on the breather line and pulling oil out of the engine/transmission? any ideas?

08-03-2008, 12:19 PM
Welcome to the GZ250 forum ! :tup:

The 'oil' in the air box could also contain some partially evaporated gasoline and some water.

Depending on the mileage of your bike, and if it was used in a dusty area, it may need a new air filter yes. Look at the inside of the air filter, if it looks dirty, clean or replace it.

I don't think it will 'pull oil' from the transmission in any major quantities, though.

Regarding the oil level change:
1) After shutting the engine down, make sure to wait a minute or so before you check the oil level.
2) Was the oil level at 'full' *before* you ran the bike with fresh oil and a new filter ? If so, the 'loss' is just what is in and around the oil filter (about 100 ml, according to the manual)

08-03-2008, 12:41 PM
A little oil blow by accumulation in the air box is normal. Like 5th said also it may have a little water and gas in it as well.

As far as the oil level, be sure to check the site glass while the bike is upright. If it's on the side stand it will appear low or even empty!! Also, small high revving engines will use a little oil especially under hot conditions. My Sportster will actually blow by oil on your right pants leg thru the air filter on occasion as the oil vent hose goes to the carb (as most bikes do) and when you accelerate hard, gas will wash it out thru the air filter.

Good luck and let us know what you find out.


Easy Rider
08-03-2008, 05:02 PM
A little oil blow by accumulation in the air box is normal.
As far as the oil level, be sure to check the site glass while the bike is upright.


Lesson learned the hard way: When checking the oil level, not only should the bike be upright but it should be level front-to-back too. Just finished a 1200 mile trip and although I added a couple of ounces about half way, it now appears that it really used almost none at all.........and I would have been OK not adding any.

08-03-2008, 09:01 PM
Yeah Ive been checking the oil properly. And I have been trying to check it after I ungear before I lock the forks. So it seemed to me that it suddenly dropped to the low line. But it is very hot conditions in south carolina right now. I'll get a new air filter its probably the factory filter. the bike only has 6000 miles on it.

08-04-2008, 02:15 AM
The amount of oil between the FULL and LOW lines is really quite a bit. If you're checking it right (warmed up, but let it rest for a few minutes, on a flat, level surface), that's a lot of oil to burn/leak in a very short amount of time.

08-04-2008, 03:08 AM
The amount of oil between the FULL and LOW lines is really quite a bit. If you're checking it right (warmed up, but let it rest for a few minutes, on a flat, level surface), that's a lot of oil to burn/leak in a very short amount of time.

...which means you'd probably be able to really notice it on your bike somewhere, or smoking out the exhaust while riding and sitting at a light.

08-04-2008, 08:10 AM
This is one of the reasons why it is suggested that you change and check your oil with the bike on some rear stands.

It's kind of strange trying to hold your bike upright while leaning down to check the oil level. Stands elimate this awkward feeling and guarantee a proper level check.