View Full Version : Starter Clutch. And, Only Runs On Choke

07-26-2008, 05:57 PM
I got my GZ250 running, finally. Took six weeks to get the parts.

Anyhow, I've got two questions:

I reassembled the generator compartment (there was nothing in there before except the end of the crankshaft). I seem to have a problem with the starter clutch, though; the starter is cranking the starter idle gear, which in turn cranks the big gear on the crankshaft -- but that gear is not turning the crankshaft; it's just spinning. I must not have assembled it correctly. Any suggestions?

Needless to say, the starter doesn't start the bike. But I can push start it (man, that sucks). The thing of it is, though, that although it does start up just fine on full choke, I can't get it to idle below about half-choke. And, if I throttle it at all, it cuts out (and will die unless I let off the throttle very quick). It runs great on choke; very smooth ... but if I put it in first and try to take off it dies.

It had year-old gas in it, which I have since drained and replaced with new gas. Replacing the gas had no effect.

Does it seem like my carb is clogged or something? Is there a way to fix that other than dismantling the carb?

07-26-2008, 08:42 PM
The starter drive gears are either incorrectly assembled or it has a bad starter clutch. Check the service manual page 3-40 for correct assembly of the starter drive gears. I would first check push piece (#4) and spring (#5) on page 3-40 for correct operation or if missing. Is there a missing shim (#1) shown on page 3-41 perhaps?

As far as the poor running, I'd say run some carb cleaner in your tank of gas as strong as the mfgr. recommends. It sounds like something is clogged.


07-26-2008, 08:49 PM
I was going to go get some Sea Foam tomorrow and put that in the tank. Once it quits raining I'll disassemble the generator and check the clutch. It could be faulty, as the rotor I bought already had a clutch installed (but I have a complete spare set I can use).

07-27-2008, 07:38 PM
I got an $8 bottle of Sea Foam at Auto Zone, put about two ounces into the two gallons of fuel that were in the tank, and started my GZ250 up. Ran it fully choked for a while and opened the throttle a little at a time.

All of a sudden it started revving like I knew it should, instead of dying when I opened the throttle! Problem solved!

Seriously, Sea Foam is every bit the miracle product everyone says it is. I'm going to try it in my cars next.


As for the starter, I'm going to need to buy a rotor puller to get the rotor back off the crankshaft. Once I torqued it to spec it got stuck on there good. But that's a minor issue; as long as I don't mind looking ridiculous push-starting the bike (in 5th gear!) it's rideable.