View Full Version : CDI problem

07-24-2008, 03:50 AM
hello guys i have a big problem : i have the CDI unit and the wires but no connector and don`t know where the 6 wires goes.
If you could send me a picture or something it would really help me

http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/5667/cdioo5.th.png (http://img73.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cdioo5.png)

07-24-2008, 04:08 AM
Look at the wiring diagram on page 7-8 of the Service Manual.

http://www.idlerants.com/images/wiring_th.jpg (http://www.idlerants.com/images/wiring.jpg)

07-24-2008, 09:10 AM
I know the color of the wires and where they go but don`t know in the unit where to put them wich wire in wich pin... there are 8 pins and 6 wires..and i really don`t want to burn the cdi unit..

07-24-2008, 07:50 PM
Is this more along the lines of what you need? The first is installed. The front of the bike is toward the right. The second is with the bracket deinstalled from the fender. Looks like there are two plugs in the "bottom" middle, pins 6 and 7.

Click the images for bigger versions.

http://www.idlerants.com/images/ignitor_connector_1_th.jpg (http://www.idlerants.com/images/ignitor_connector_1.jpg)

http://www.idlerants.com/images/ignitor_connector_2_th.jpg (http://www.idlerants.com/images/ignitor_connector_2.jpg)

The colors are:

1 : Orange-White
2 : Green
3 : Blue
4 : Black-White
5 : White
8 : Orange

Hope that helps.