View Full Version : Parking spots

07-22-2008, 03:45 PM
What is the etiquette for parking in the same parking spot as a bike ?

I went down to the bar the other day and parked in the same spot with another bike. It was off to one side so I could easily fit in without getting to close.

Cool or not cool?


07-22-2008, 03:51 PM
Depends on what the other biker thinks. If we was taking the spot for himself and you squeezed, it's not cool. Then again, if he left room and that was his intention, then it was cool.

I generally take my own space.

07-22-2008, 04:14 PM
I generally take my own space.

Ditto. Unless it's a "collective" parking space (you know: sidewalks, handicapped spots, drive-thrus, foyers) then I don't worry about it and just keep a few feet away, allowing an easy out for the other bikes.

07-23-2008, 07:18 AM
You just never know how people will react these days. I only share a space with my riding buddy. Now if I ever come across another GZ, then I might do it just for an opportunity to meet a fellow GZ rider.

07-23-2008, 10:49 PM
You just never know how people will react these days. I only share a space with my riding buddy. Now if I ever come across another GZ, then I might do it just for an opportunity to meet a fellow GZ rider.


07-25-2008, 10:09 PM
I agree with Patrick and Jonathan, if any of the bikes can move out of the spot as easy as if there were no other bike, it's ok.

Also you could interpret:
- bike in the middle of a parking spot = "my spot, stay off"
- bike on the side of a parking spot = "I left space for another bike"

07-27-2008, 09:30 AM
I don't like or want other bikes sharing my space.

At work I park at a 45 degree angle across the end of the parking space. I started doing this after cage drivers started taking half of my space. I'm sure you know the type with there new $35,000 cage that they don't want to get scratched. I pay for that space its mine. If they want two they should pay for two.

If on one of the rare occasions that I go some where and there are bikes parked there I don't park in there space unless there is no other place to park. Even then I don't like it.

07-27-2008, 10:34 AM
I never share a space with other bikers unless we are riding together. If I am parking alone, I park at an angle near the center of the parking space. I once saw a cage pull into a space too fast and knock down a bike because it was parked in the front of the space and the car driver didn't see the bike until it was too late. I've also see where a cage will pull in behind the bike and park, blocking in the bike because the bike was pulled up close to the parking block in a long parking space. The biker called the cops and they towed the cage and ticketed the owner.

We pay our road taxes through gas taxes and tag fees. We bikers are just as entitled to use the roads and parking spaces as the cages.

08-09-2008, 08:36 AM
II've also see where a cage will pull in behind the bike and park, blocking in the bike because the bike was pulled up close to the parking block in a long parking space.

Ive seen riders do this. I pay for a parking space where I work and they have a reserved area for motorcycles. One of the many reasons I don't use it is that other riders will box you in or get so close to you that you can't get on your bike easily. When they first put this in it was packed everyday now there are only a few people who use it.