View Full Version : Routine Maint

07-20-2008, 12:30 PM
Ok so i have my bike and the only motorcycle that services suzukis are a bunch of tards and i wana keep the thing going when i got it i got a new carb new spark plug new oil and filter. So the bike just hit 5000 mile and i have no clue what the original owner has done is there any thing that you guys or gals would know that i need to do.

07-20-2008, 01:12 PM
Download the manual and read/study it.

07-20-2008, 02:56 PM
I would clean the chain and lube it, check chain tightness and adjust if necessary; check tire pressure and condition; test brakes, check for wear; oil cables and adjust if necessary (see manual); put oil and grease where necessary (see manual); check all frame bolts for tightness (see manual); check valve stem clearance (see manual) oh and the spark gap at the spark plug at the same timel; and check all lights, before taking it on the road. Your life depends on the condition of ALL (or at least MOST) of the bike's parts after all. This may seem like a lot and it will take some hours, but it is doable and by now I can speak from experience.

In addition to the GZ250 tool set and my 'regular' tools (wrench set, screwdrivers) I bought a torque wrench and a feeler gauge at Sears, to do the maintenance.

I may have forgotten something, please check the manual.