11-10-2006, 07:34 PM
In June 2006 I installed one of these in my 2005 GZ250. I was going on a long trip and got the idea that I should know how to change the bulbs on my bike before I had to change one on the side of the road in the dark. I also wanted spares. I got A SilverStar headlight bulb because it was supposed to be brighter and it used less power which could not be a bad thing. It was noticeably brighter and I was was well pleased with it until it died a few days ago. It only lasted a bit over 3000 miles the stock bulb was still good at around 8000 miles. When I went to get a replacement the only one I could find was $32. The first one I got was less than $20. In the same store regular H4 headlight bulbs were available in a package of two for $16. No more SilverStars for me. Not unless the price comes way down. Yes they are brighter but cost and durability count for something.
Something I noticed about the bulb pricing for H4 bulbs. If the bulb has the words motorcycle or ATV on the package it costs more. Sometimes a lot more. These are the same bulbs as sold for cars.
Something I noticed about the bulb pricing for H4 bulbs. If the bulb has the words motorcycle or ATV on the package it costs more. Sometimes a lot more. These are the same bulbs as sold for cars.