View Full Version : General Maintenance

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  1. petcock
  2. clutch cable... oil?
  3. Turn Signal and Brake Light replacement
  4. Brake Pads
  5. Battery size
  6. Riding my bike....and it dies. Help?
  7. D2Moto Brake Pads
  8. Brake pads shape
  9. Oil filter spring & rubber ring placement
  10. Touch Up Paint for 2006 Light Blue
  11. Fuel filter?
  12. Injector Sting as an additive?
  13. Rear turn signal wiring
  14. Is the Head Rebuildable?
  15. Lube
  16. Bolt & nut maintenance
  17. Bike was sitting Now won't start
  18. BlackStone Laboratories
  19. front brake noise
  20. Have you ever changed your tires by hand?
  21. Oil usage
  22. Winter storage.
  23. How many have found your valves out of adjustment?
  24. Axle not torque (how to)
  25. Few more week till winter
  26. What tires are you running on your Marauder?
  27. where to get parts
  28. Choke cable problem
  29. What Ignition do I need
  30. Mounting Seat
  31. battery information
  32. Help with Fuel Valve and gas tank
  33. Does this sprocket look good?
  34. Shinko 230 Tour Master Motorcycle Tires???
  35. Kick stand lowering help
  36. oil change / replace O rings
  37. Pulling an Engine?
  38. Repair Manual?
  39. EZ Glider Cable Lubricator?
  40. Generator / Rotor Bolts - Sheared and Damaged
  41. what are good Bar Ends for my GZ250?
  42. Master Cylinder Rebuild Kit
  43. Cleaning
  44. Small hole in exhaust
  45. Squeaky chassis
  46. Silly question regarding oil
  47. Cush drives (the rubber part) same for most years?
  48. Oil change and gearoil
  49. Bolt for rear frame cover?
  50. Front fork problem
  51. Maintenance Parts Source in Dallas
  52. Idle speed
  53. CDI doubt
  54. Clanking noise when shut off the engine
  55. Electrical issues help plz
  56. what size are the shims for 2002?
  57. Remove Header pipes
  58. Oil Filter in Backwards?
  59. Oil Filter Change Frequency
  60. Chain Lube - Amsoil MP HD Heavy Duty Metal Protector
  61. 1000 Km Maintenance
  62. Front Brake Pads
  63. Oil filter change and tappet clearance check
  64. Need a new tire
  65. Clutch Release Arm has no tension.
  66. GZ250 Rear Tire
  67. Help identifying bolts and screws.
  68. Spark Plug Screw-On Tip?
  69. How to clean kill switch?
  70. Shifter rod (foot pedal) question
  71. Carb cleaning over the winter
  72. Possibly a dumb question
  73. Should you start bike in winter
  74. Largest possible tires for gz250
  75. Front Rim Questions
  76. Scratches on front fender, etc.
  77. tyre mileage
  78. Turn signals switch
  79. maintenance on a bike that has sat in barn for 7 years
  80. Oil drain plug rounded off
  81. Rotella T?
  82. Front fork oil level
  83. How much slack to leave in chain?
  84. Need a new front tire soon
  85. Draining carb bowls
  86. This stuff?
  87. Replacing rear tire.. replace tube as well?
  88. Ok. I need some help with a list.
  89. Anyone here done a top end rebuild on the 250?
  90. Just threw some parts at it. It was hot. I'm burned.
  91. Help with hose
  92. Burned out bulbs in speedo.
  93. Just poked through the service manual and...
  94. Difference between DR8EA and DR9EA?
  95. More fun
  96. So I've made the change between
  97. oil filter bypass
  98. Tune up
  99. timming adjustment
  100. Clutch plates
  101. Front brake issues
  102. I'm shopping for a new motor.
  103. spark plug boot issues
  104. Cylinder Head Replacement
  105. First time chain maintenance
  106. Vacuum Hose missing? Im a newbie
  107. Handlebar balancer
  108. New Odometer
  109. broken choke lever part number?
  110. Cleaning the cooling fins.
  111. How to set CAM chain tensioner?
  112. need new chain/sprockets...advice on good quality & affordable
  113. Rear brakes
  114. Tube sizes for stock tires
  115. SV Racing
  116. nut specs.
  117. Turn signal indicator light bruned out
  118. Vaccum line routing
  119. Messin with the airfilter
  120. Bearing maintenance
  121. Best way to clean the chain?
  122. Uneven wear on Break Pads
  123. Been a rough 2 weeks for Piccolo
  124. Oil Viscosity
  125. Just posting to add general experience of the gz.
  126. Front tire Replacement
  127. My clutch job.
  128. Rear tire job.
  129. starting
  130. Lubing Choke Cable
  131. Rebuild Kit for 09 GZ fuel petcock
  132. What should I have my mechanic look at?
  133. Carb Main Jet Confusion
  134. Lights Out
  135. Chain Oilers.
  136. Plug behind oil drain plug
  137. Issues with turning signals
  138. Having so much trouble with the carb I'm
  139. Broken cylinder head bolt removal
  140. Handlebar size and bar ends
  141. Speedo light bulb
  142. I made a stick
  143. Seat. Latching it back down.
  144. surging and lag
  145. Rear brake replacement
  146. Oil and Filter
  147. Oil leak
  148. Car tire for the gz250
  149. My new (to me) GZ
  150. So. You did an oil change... and...
  151. Battery what batteries are a good buy for our go?
  152. Chain Adjust.
  153. Cleaning the exterior of the engine
  154. Brake caliper rebuild kit and carburetor rebuild kit
  155. headlight lo and high beams not working
  156. How do I replace the stator
  157. Can you fix an RR?
  158. Carb issue or Nature of the Beast.
  159. Carb Cleaning Video?
  160. HZ won't go into high rp. it Boggs down
  161. Cleaning carb
  162. need air box where can I get one?
  163. Which chain oil
  164. Chain Oil
  165. Last ride of the season.
  166. choke is stuck
  167. '01 Front brake pad replacement, too thick?
  168. okay I need help big time
  169. well I had fun on it while it lasted
  170. Spring cleaning
  171. Tire Pressure
  172. Gz250 gasoline fills the Air filter
  173. Rear brake
  174. Which is the most problem in GZ250 you had?
  175. Shinko tires
  176. Last season
  177. Rear wheel bearings
  178. Life Expectancy
  179. Rear Axle Replacement
  180. Lost the bolts for the air filter
  181. Help. Stator cover glued down w/RTV
  182. Fuel Additives
  183. 09164-00004 spring washer mounting?
  184. Bike wont start
  185. strange idling problem
  186. Leaky fork seals