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  1. Diaphragm on side of Carb???
  2. No idle unless I blip throttle for 7 secs
  3. Choke cable need help
  4. Hight Bean, Low Beam Calibration
  5. Water accumulation on seat
  6. Improving Headlight
  7. Chain Slack
  8. Front wheel swap
  9. New to me bike with some issues
  10. Replaced ignition, no spark
  11. Gz250 engin problems
  12. Low compression
  13. No lights, no start
  14. Oil leaking from the crankcase cover
  15. Minimal functionality problem
  16. fuel feed issue
  17. Swingarm alignment?
  18. Starter wont engage or crank over engine!
  19. Idles fine, but once revved stays revved
  20. 2001 Gz250
  21. 2002 Suzuki GZ250 trouble starting
  22. New 250 owner love bike carb issues please HELP
  23. Aftermarket Petcock
  24. 2007 GZ250 Difficult to turn engine
  25. CDI wiring colors
  26. 2003 GZ250 Dies at Idle and Wont rev past Half
  27. 2009 GZ 250 makes a scraping noise when it accelerates
  28. Won't rev with choke on
  29. Starting issue
  30. GZ Pickup Coil Problem
  31. New bike owner, first post (main jet question)
  32. My '09 has no electrical.
  33. High idling when max throtle and than rev back to normal position!?!
  34. 1st to 2nd trouble
  35. Jesus Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  36. starting issue
  37. HELP! I can't get started!
  38. Carburator Float adjusment
  39. Fuel petcock strainer straws
  40. shutting off while riding
  41. Spark issue
  42. Idling when the engine is Hot
  43. Regulator Question
  44. Thanks to all, for the help!!!!!!
  45. wont start model 99
  46. Carburetor issues
  47. Exhaust header leak or worse
  48. New Rider: Bike will not start.
  49. Engine? ? ?
  50. Tail light wont brighten with rear break.
  51. Letgo won’tgo
  52. CDI igniter substitutes?
  53. Help! 2008 GZ250 alive but also dead
  54. Starting issue/ air leak through throttle shaft
  55. Wiring Issue? Running lights
  56. Engine revving high when clutch in
  57. Can't get exhaust back on, is there a trick?
  58. New to Me, Carb Maybe More??
  59. Ignition System Struggles
  60. Petcock Vacuum Line
  61. Carburator air/mixture
  62. Starter solenoid
  63. Cdi.........
  64. TCI Igniter alternate options?
  65. Wont start but all lights come on
  66. Neutral light doesn’t turn on anymore.
  67. AC OR DC CDI on a 2000 GZ250?
  68. Bad Head
  69. Relocate choke knob to carb
  70. Starts, but only after I press ignition 20 times
  71. Coil question?
  72. Problems starting
  73. Ignition problem
  74. Sidestand starting problem
  75. Better Wiring Diagram
  76. Spark plug cap
  77. 1999 gz250 not firing?
  78. 2001 gz250 Neutral light does not turn on
  79. spark but no start
  80. Engine timing
  81. slight leak by gear shift
  82. Stalls out when I shift into 1st
  83. Can't get the starter to crank
  84. When cold
  85. Signal lights are flashing together
  86. Trying to rebuild carb
  87. Exhaust Rocker Arm Play
  88. Rear brake grabbing
  89. Head gasket replacment ? GZ /GN 250
  90. Turn signals and brake light not working
  91. Ticking motor on like new gz250....
  92. Petcock leaky
  93. High Idle even with Pilot Screw all the way in.
  94. knocking under acceleration
  95. Trouble wiring blinkers for bobber build
  96. Aftermarket tank. Petcock issue
  97. Bike is squeaking, but stops when I brake
  98. Hard Start after oil change
  99. 2005 gv250
  100. Starter switch help
  101. Valve noise seems loud to me on my 2005
  102. Oil in generator side of engine?
  103. Fuel petcock feed elbow
  104. Bike wont start, New cylinder
  105. Main Jet (87.5) 09492-87002
  106. When I turn the throttle the bike goes out...
  107. Fuel valve
  108. Cam chain tensioner
  109. Clutch Not Engaging
  110. What is this carb?
  111. Inconsistent Idle
  112. 6th gear useless, can't even max out 5
  113. Need help with blinkers
  114. 02 250 starts and then sputters out
  115. Tricky signal
  116. What could cause extremely worn rocker arms?
  117. Oil fill plug stuck
  118. Power loss after jumping battery
  119. Gz250 problem
  120. Very high and and black smoke after tune up
  121. Intermittent Spark
  122. headlight adjustment spring help
  123. Irregular engine at low speeds